Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Gara-gara SMS

Hari itu aku seperti biasa mencuci motor , ku basahi motor ku dengan sabun lalu ku gosok gosok sampai berbusa,setelah berbusa aku bilas dengan air sampai bersih , belum aku keringkan dengan kanebo, eh tiba2 ada suara sms dari hp ku, ku lihat hpku lalu kubaca pesan singkat yang terkirim dari nomor yang tak ada di memori di hp ku, kupikir ini nomer siapa ? lalu kubaca isi sms nya yaitu “Hai ,Apa kabar sayang ?” Aku pikir salah sambung ,aku diamkan saja.
Malam dingin dan sedikit rintik2 hujan tapi aku tetap saja membawa motor ku ke jalan untuk menjemput istriku pulang kerja,maklum malam itu dia lembur jadi dia pulang tak seperti biasa. Segera ku tarik gas tuk melaju kan motor ku.

Tiba di tempat kerja istriku aku tunggu dulu sampai keluar dari tempat kerja istriku itu, aku tunggu sambil memainkan hp ku lalu aku di kejutkan kembali oleh sms yang muncul di layar hpku, ku buka kembali sms itu dan ku baca “Say,kok gak di balas sms aku sich ,kenapa dah lupa ya ma aku? “
aku pun membalas sms itu karena aku pikir dia salah sambung sampai dua kali aku jawab “Maaf mungkin anda salah sambung ! “
“Aku shinta bekas pacar mu dulu !”
Aku sangat terkejut dengan balesan sms tadi ,rupanya dari shinta bekas pacarku dulu,tapi dia ada perlu apa kok sekarang dia sempat2nya sms aku setelah selama 2 tahun lost contact
Setelah dia meninggalkan diriku 2 tahun yang lalu karena married dengan cowo yang lain,hatiku sempat broken, tapi aku tetap menerima keputusan nya karena shinta menuruti apa yang di perintah kan oleh orang tuanya karena mereka menjodohkan dengan pria pilihan mereka(ortu).
Aku langsung telepon aja dia, “Shinta,gimana kabar kamu ?” Shinta: “aku baik saja ?” .segera kuhentikan telepon ku “Shinta,nanti lagi yah aku telepon” karena aku melihat istriku sudah keluar dari kerjaannya dan mulai berjalan mendekati aku.
“Telepon dari siapa a ? ” ujar istriku ” Oh ,itu dari teman lama ” tapi aku gak bilang dari shinta karena istriku pasti marah kalo itu telp dari Shinta bekas pacarku dulu.
Pagi hari nya aku pun pergi ke tempat pekerjaan ku seperti biasa, setelah sampai di tempat kerja aku pun langsung melakukan pekerjaan ku seperti biasanya.
Jam menunjukan angka 12 itu artinya aku mulai beristirahat setelah pergi makan keluar aku berdiam diri sekaligus memikirkan mengenai kejadian kemarin malam ketika aku di sms ma Shinta, aku berpikir kenapa dia menghubungiku lagi padahal dia sudah berkeluarga dan punya momongan.
Hp ku pun kembali berbunyi dan ketika ku angkat ada seorang wanita berkata “Halo,selamat siang sayang ?” dan aku pun menjawab “Siang” oh rupanya si shinta lagi .Kami pun mengobrol ngalor ngidul mengenai hubungan kita di masa lalu,aku pun kembali mengenang masa2 indah aku dulu sama dia ,Tapi ah sudah lah itu hanya masa lalu saja.gak akan terulang kembali lagi pula kita berdua sudah memiliki kehidupan masing2.
“Deni,Kamu masih sayang gak sama aku?” kata shinta .Aku pun terkejut kenapa dia bisa sampai bisa berbicara seperti itu. “Aku masih sayang banget ma kamu ,tapi kita kan sudah berbeda saat ini” aku jawab. lalu dia berkata “Den,kalo kamu masih sayang ma aku ,aku ingin bertemu ma kamu lagi tapi tanpa sepengetahuan istri kamu,aku hanya ingin curhat saja ma kamu mengenai rumah tangga aku” Aku tidak bisa menolak karena dia memohon kepadaku dan berjanji hanya satu kali ini saja.
Aku pun mengiyakannya dan bersedia untuk bertemu lagi dengan nya.
Singkat cerita aku pun menunggu di tempat yang telah di sepakati yaitu di tempat biasa restoran tempat langganan kami dahulu , lalu aku melihat seorang wanita yang mulai mendekati tempat aku.Aku lihat dari dekat dan ternyata Shinta.Aku perhatikan wajah dia semakin cantik aja gumamku dan kulihat tubuhnya begitu sintal dengan payudara yang menurut aku sich besar jika di banding dengan kepunyaan istriku.
Aku bergumam lagi andai kami dulu jadi menikah pasti aku sangat senang.
“Hai,melamun aja,!” Shinta berkata kepadaku memecah keheningan aku.
“Shin,kamu semakin cakep aja semenjak aku di tinggal ma kamu” aku menggodanya dan dia pun terlihat senang.
“Oh ya da apa kamu mau mau ketemu ma aku lagi?”
“Kenapa gak boleh yah,ya udah aku pulang lagi nich”
“Tidak aku bercanda aja kok” ujar ku
“Aku gak bahagia Den”
“kenapa kamu gak bahagia terus bilang ma aku?”"Sambil aku menyantap makanan
“Aku gak bahagia dengan suami aku sekarang aku mau mendapatkan kebahagian lagi ma kamu den”. Katanya dari dulu juga Shinta masih sayang sama aku
Aku mendengarkan semua uneg2 di pikiran dia selama dia menjalani kehidupan rumah tangga dia. Aku turut sedih aja mendengar nya .Selama ini dia menderita karena suami nya selingkuh dengan teman sepekerjaan nya.shinta bercerita ma aku.
Shinta mengetahui nya karena membaca sms2 hp suaminya.Puncak nya yaitu ketika ada sms dari selingkuhan suami dia yang isi nya yaitu “Yang,malam ini kita ketemu di hotel Preanger aja yah aku tunggu di loby jam 20.00 wib.”
Lalu shinta pun pergi ke tempat tersebut dan melihat dengan mata kepala sendiri,melihat suami nya bertemu dengan teman ceweknya itu,lalu mereka berdua masuk kedalam kamar.”Seperti itu lah Say kelakuan suami aku” shinta berkata sambil menitikan air mata. Aku bilang kok punya istri cantik (shinta) masih bisa2 nya selingkuh. Aku langsung mengusap air matanya dengan sapu tangan.
Rupanya pembicaraan kami berdua tak terasa dan aku lihat sekarang sudah jam 22.00 wib.
“Shin,aku antar kamu pulang yah”
“Jangan ,aku gak mau pulang?”
“terus gimana anak kamu ,kan kasihan dia di tinggal ma kamu”
“anak ku sudah aku titipin sama neneknya,aku pokoknya gak mau pulang ?”
“trus kamu mau kemana malam ini?”
“kemana aja yang penting gak pulang kerumah suami aku”
Aku pun bingung karena kalo di bawa kerumah ku pastinya istriku marah.
“malam ini aku titipin kamu di tempat teman ku aja yah,kebetulan rumah nya saat ini lagi di kosong karena teman ku sedang keluar kota?”
Akhirnya kami sampai di rumah teman ku itu, aku menelpon dulu ma teman ku mau pinjam rumah nya selama dia di luar kota untuk di tinggali sama shinta.rupanya teman ku akan pulang satu bulan lagi.
Aku pun masuk kedalam rumah kulihat agak sedikit berantakan dan aku membersihkan nya maklum rumah orang bujangan seperti ini aku bilang.
Setelah semua rapi aku duduk di sofa dan shinta pun mendekati aku dan bilang lagi
“Den,aku sangat sayang sama kamu”
“aku pun sayang ma kamu ” ujarku.
Mungkin karena situasi dan kondisi kami saat itu sangat mendukung maka terjadilah peristiwa yang seharusnya tak boleh terjadi.
Aku menatap kedua bola mata nya agak lama lalu aku berkata aku sayang kamu.
Aku pun mulai memeluk nya erat dan mulai ku ciumi bibirnya yang merah itu,hatiku saat itu sangat berdebar dan sensasi nya sangat nikmat sekali mungkin karena aku sudah lama tidak berciuman ma dia.
Sambil berciuman aku meraba2 payudaranya dan aku perlahan membuka kancing bajunya satu persatu akhirnya shinta hanya berbalutkan bra dan cd.aku lihat warna nya pink dan ada renda2 disisi2nya.aku semakin melotot aja ketika shita melepas cd dan bra nya.
kuciumi bibirnya lalu keleher nya “oh..oh..oh..uh..uh..”ujar shinta karena ku masukan jari tengah ku ke liang nikmat miliknya.
setelah agak basah liang nikmatnya aku pun meminta shinta untuk membuka semua baju ku dan mengulum burungku.
dia pun mau.
“Ooooh..oh…..uhhhh….ohh terus shin..sepongan kamu sangat nikmat”
kami pun melakukan posisi 69 dan kita saling menjilat kenikmatan2 kami.
“oh..oh..oh….oh..ohh..uh..uh..haaaah….ouh. …” hanya suara itu saja yang kudengar dari mulut shinta dan aku.
“Shin,sudah yah aku masukin aja sekarang”
“Iya sayang masukin aja”
Aku pun merubah posisi dan sekarang kita berhadapap2an aku mulai memasukan burungku ke liang nikmat shinta. “Sleb..sleb..sleb..”agak sedikit susah memasukan nya,tapi berkat perjuangan aku pun bisa menembus ke dalam liang nikmat shinta.
kurasakan nikmat yang tiada tara ketika burung ku bergesekan dengan dinding2 liang nikmat shinta.”Ohhhhhhh…..ohh..ohh..ohh”
Aku melihat shinta pun sangat menikmati gesekan2 itu.
Lama2 aku mempercepat tempo masuk keluarnya burungku itu dan aku berkata ma shinta”Sayang aku mau keluar sekarang nich”
“iya sayang aku juga mau keluas bentar lagi” ujarnya
Shinta pun semakin erat saja dan aku pun semakin cepat penetrasinya”
Hingga aku mengeluarkan semua tenaga ku yang tersisa dan kami pun mendapat orgasme berbarengan
“oh..oh..oh..oh..oh..uh..uh..uh.uhh.ooooooh……. ……ooohhhhh”
aku pun terkulai di atas tubuh shinta dan shinta pun sama sama relaksasi.
“Sayang nikmat sekali bercinta denganmu sandai kamu adalah suami aku”
“sayang aku juga merasakan nikmat yang susah untuk aku ungkapkan”
Akhirnya kami berdua tertidur pulas...

Big Mistake

Kyle was a tall muscular 18-year-old. It was summer vacation and he was home almost every day with his mother. Julie was a maternal beauty. She was about six feet, 130 pounds, with long, milky-white legs and big banana-shaped boobs. Kyle often wondered what it would be like to fuck his mother. To prop her feet back on his shoulders and feel his large cock saw in and out of her sweet cunt. He wanted so badly to dump his load deep into her womb, where his mother’s eggs would surely be waiting.
Julie knew her son wanted her. It was obvious by the looks he’d been giving her. A part of her was flattered by her son’s admiration, and any woman would admit, the boy was handsome, but he was her son and she was married to her husband of 20 years, Paul. Given time, she knew her son’s fascination for her would pass.

Kyle came down to breakfast in nothing but his boxers where he found his mother at the stove cooking. He paused to admire her long gorgeous legs and shapely ass. Julie was in her short silk robe and a dainty pair of high-heeled slippers. She noticed her boy staring from the doorway.
“Good morning, sleepy-head.” She said in her sweet, motherly tone.
“Morning, mom.” Kyle answered.
He walked up behind his mother and gave her a hug from behind. Julie turned her head to him and smiled. She could feel his large penis pressed against the crack of her ass. Her womanly instinct knew that her son’s cock was much larger than her husbands.
“How’d you sleep?” She asked.
“Okay I guess. Is dad gone already?” He asked.
“Yeah, he left a few minutes ago.” Julie answered.
She knew why her son had asked. Kyle’s behavior was much different when his father wasn’t there. He became much more touchy-feely with her. Julie didn’t mind. She knew the horny teen was just going through a stage and would never try anything without her consent.
Kyle squeezed his mom tightly, his shaft was beginning to wedge into the crack of his mom’s ass. He gently slid his hands up the flat of his mother’s tummy until he could feel his wrists resting against the base of Julie’s big saggy boobs.
“I love you, mom.” He said.
Julie reached back and stoked the back of Kyle’s head lovingly, her long nails combing through his hair as she looked over her shoulder at him.
“I know you do, sweetie-pie. And I love you…more than you know.” She said.
“I mean…I…I really love you, mom…I..”
Julie turned to him and placed her finger over Kyle’s mouth.
“SSSSHHHHH!!! I know, love. You don’t have to explain it to me; I know what you’re going through.” She said warmly.
“You do?” Kyle asked.
“Yes, and it’s perfectly natural for boy’s your age to love their mother’s this way. Tell me what you’re feeling?” Julie said.
“Jealousy, I guess.” Kyle muttered.
“You’re jealous of your father, because I’m his?” She asked.
“Yeah and I guess…I guess I know how much you want a baby and…well…”
There was a short pause, then Julie took her boy’s hand and smiled up into his eyes.
“So you’re jealous that I’m trying to have a baby with your father and not with you?” She asked.
“I’m sorry. I know it sounds stupid.” Kyle said.
“It’s not stupid, sweetie. Your feelings are very real. The truth is your father and I have been trying to have a baby for seven long years and so far…no luck.” She said.
“For that long? Is everything okay with you?” Kyle asked.
“I’m fine, but I’m afraid your father has a very low sperm count. It’s possible that he may never be able to get me pregnant again.” She said in a low tone.
Kyle’s eyes lit up.
“Well why don’t you let me try, mom. I know I could do it, really!” He exclaimed.
Julie giggled. They still stood very close facing each other, her hands resting on her son’s shoulders.
“Hold it, mister. You know that you and I can’t go there.” She said.
“Why not? Dad wouldn’t have to know. You could tell him the baby was his. It would be our secret.” Kyle said.
Julie laughed and shook her head. “Kyle, listen to yourself. Do you realize what you’re asking me?” She said.
“It makes sense; doesn’t it? You could get pregnant, without having to cheat on dad.” He said.
“But I would be cheating on your father…with you.” She added.
“Yeah but the kid would look like dad and everything. Mom, I promise I would never say a thing.” Kyle pleaded.
“Sweetie, we can’t.” Julie said.
“Why? Why can’t we, mom. You want this baby.” Kyle said.
“Kyle, this isn’t about me having a baby. This is about you getting into my panties. I have never once in 20 years of marriage cheated on your father and I don’t intend to break that streak with my overly-horny 18 year old son.” Julie said.
Kyle hung his head for a moment, then looked back at her.
“What if I got his permission?” He said.
Julie let out a surprised giggle.
“Your father’s permission?” She asked.
“Yeah, what if dad agreed to let me get you pregnant?” He asked.
“Good luck.” She laughed.
“No seriously. What if dad said it was okay?” He asked.
“You would seriously have the guts to ask your father to get me pregnant?” She said.
“What if he agreed to it?” I asked.
Julie’s face went blank for a moment and she stared off into space.
“What if dad said it was okay?” Kyle said.
“First of all, there’s no damn way your father’s going to let his son of all people have a crack at his wife. He might even kill you for asking.” She said.
“But what if he said yes?” Kyle said.
“Well, if he said yes, which I know he won’t, then…I’d…I’d be willing to sit down with you and discuss it.” She said seriously.
“Us making a baby together?” Kyle asked.
“Yes, I’d be willing to discuss the possibility of you and I making a baby together.” She said.
Kyle cheered and hugged his mother, lifting her little feet up off the floor. He loved the feel of her enormously spongy boobs against his chest. Julie smiled down at her happy son. She thought it was cute how excited he was at the possibility of breeding her, but she also knew it would never happen. There was no way in hell her husband would go for such a thing.
“Don’t get too excited, tiger. You haven’t talked to your father yet.” She stated.
“If he agrees, can we start tonight?” Kyle asked.
“If he agrees, I’ll die of shock.” She smiled.
“But if he does, can we?” Kyle pressed.
“If your father agrees, we’ll sit down tonight and talk.” Julie said.
Kyle smiled to himself confidently. He knew for a surety that having his mother’s ankles propped back on his shoulders as he greedily fucked her matronly cunt was about to become a reality. He knew this because he knew something about his father that his mother didn’t. His father had made a BIG MISTAKE and it was about to cost him dearly.
It was 3 in the afternoon. Kyle knew just the time to be at his dad, Ken’s office. Ken had his cock buried deep in the tight young pussy of his secretary when his son barged into his office. The blond slut pulled up her panties and ran from the office, embarrassed as hell and Kyle’s dad just stood there in complete shock as his own son glared across the room at him.
“Havin’ fun dad?” Kyle asked.
“Kyle, I…I was just…” Ken could think of no excuses. He’d been caught red handed.
It was the first time Kyle’d seen his father’s cock. He chuckled at how small it was. He was anxious to see how his mother would react having a cock over 4 inches longer than her husbands plowing her depths. Not only was Kyle’s dick longer than his fathers, it was a great deal thicker, with fat bulging veins and a huge purple knob.
“Relax dad…I’ve known for a long time now. It’s cool.” Kyle said.
“What about your mother? Oh God, please tell me you haven’t said anything about this to her.” Ken said.
“Don’t worry, dad. Mom doesn’t ever have to know about this, but in order for things to stay that way, you’re gonna have to do a little something for me.” Kyle said.
“Okay…what do you want?” Ken asked.
“Your permission.” Kyle said with a smile.
Later that night Kyle lay on his bed waiting. His father had been home for a few hours and he and Kyle’s mother were downstairs talking. Finally, about 11, Kyle heard a gentle tap at his door. Julie poked her head in.
“You still awake, sweetie?” She asked.
“Yeah, I’m up.” Kyle answered. Of course he was up. What teenaged boy could sleep when they were finalizing the deal of a lifetime. A chance to fuck a baby into their own beautiful mother.
Julie came in and closed the door. She was in her silky robe again and the dainty high-heeled slippers. As she strode towards him, Kyle watched her enormous banana-shaped boobs sway beneath her robe. He was confident that soon he’d be up to his ears in naked matronly tit-flesh as he pumped his baby-syrup into his mother’s womb. Julie sat at the edge of his bed with an odd expression.
“Well…I don’t know how you managed to do it, buster.” She said.
“Dad said yes?” Kyle tried to act surprised.
“I can hardly believe it, but yeah, your father seemed to think you made a pretty convincing case.” Julie said.
“Really?” Kyle said, trying to act surprised.
Julie gave him a warm mom-smile and looked into his eyes.
“Really. Which means, Mr. smooth-talker, if you’re still willing, and I hope to God you’re able, I think we should start our plans on making a baby together. Julie said.
“Plans? You mean we can’t start tonight?” Kyle asked.
Julie giggled and stroked her son’s hair.
“You silly boy. You don’t know too much about making babies, do you? It’s a lot more complicated than just crawling between mom’s legs and doing your thing. It can only be done at a certain time, using certain techniques to ensure my pregnancy.” Julie said.
Julie went on to describe the ovulation process and how only during that certain window of time can a baby be created. It was a window which she was due for very soon. She took her son’s hand and their eyes met.
“Sweetie, I realize this is a brand new experience for you. I think it’s important for us to keep in mind throughout this whole process, who we are and why we’re doing this. I think our sessions should be very cut and dry, without any…how shall I say this…unnecessary pleasure. Do you know what I mean?” Julie asked.
Kyle nodded. He knew full well that once he had his 9-inch cock burrowing deep within his mother’s womb all that “unnecessary pleasure” shit would fly out the window.
Days passed and Kyle waiting eagerly for the word from his mother. Finally, on a Thursday morning, Kyle was sitting at the breakfast table when Julie sat down next to him. She had a big smile.
“So…feel like making a baby today, mister?” She asked casually.
Kyle’s eyes lit up.
“Seriously?” He asked.
“Seriously. I started my cycle. I called your school and told them you were sick. I really need to know that I can count on you these next three days.” She said.
“Of course you can, mom. I won’t go anywhere.” Kyle answered. “So we can start this morning?” He asked.
Julie gave her son a warm smile.
“As soon as your father leaves.” She answered.
Kyle’s dick became instant steel. His dream-day had finally arrived.
Kyle was in his bedroom when he heard his father’s car leave the driveway. A few minutes later his mom stopped in his doorway on her way to her room.
“Ready, sweetie?” She asked.
Kyle’s stomach sunk to his feet. It was the moment of truth and he was nervous as hell. His body was frozen in the sitting position on his bed. Julie walked over and took his hand.
“You’re nervous…Don’t be. You’re gonna do fine and when this is all over, you’ll have a baby brother or sister in nine months, isn’t that exciting?” Julie said.
“Yeah.” Kyle said. Yet both Kyle and Julie knew that the exciting part for him was going to be sliding his young, thick pecker into Julie’s love-nest.
“Come on.” Julie said softly, and with his hand in her, guided her young stallion to her bedroom and closed the door.
“I’m gonna go into the bathroom and get ready. I want you to go ahead and get undressed and get into bed, okay?” She said.
Kyle nodded and watched his mother go into the bathroom. He quickly undressed and crawled under the covers of his parent’s marital bed. He loved how wicked it felt to be there taking his father’s place.
A few moments later Julie came out of the bathroom. She had on a big white t-shirt that fell just below her waist. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and Kyle could tell the way her big boobs were flopping about as she walked that she braless and probably pantiless too. She set a tube of something on her nightstand.
“What’s that?” Kyle asked.
“It’s lubrication, in case we need it.” She said.
Julie slid her cute little bare feet from their slippers and crawled under the covers next to her son. She lay on her side and looked at him in a serious manner.
“You’re sure you still wanna do this for me?” She asked.
Kyle smiled.
“Hell yeah. I’d do anything for you, mom.” He said.
Julie smiled teasingly.
“I don’t know about that, but I do think you’d do anything to be the one to get me pregnant.” She said.
They both laughed.
“Are you ready?” Julie asked warmly.
Kyle nodded. Julie lay on her back and put her hand on Kyle’s shoulder.
“Come over on top of me.” She said.
Kyle moved over and Julie spread her legs slightly as her son took position between them. She pulled the t-shirt up above her waist and felt Kyle’s cock press against her pubic mound.
“It’s okay; rest your full weight on me.” She said, pulling her son down so that their chests met. Kyle sighed as he felt the huge mounds of spongy tit-flesh flatten out against his chest. Julie placed her hands on her son’s shoulders and with bent knees, spread her long legs apart. Kyle laid his head on her right shoulder and started to nudge his dick against his mom’s sex, searching for that magic entrance.
“Lower.” Julie whispered into her son’s ear.
Kyle felt the head of his cock enter the smooth creamy groove of Julie’s matronly slit. His purple plumb split his mother’s twat and popped into her steamy socket. Julie let out an audible sigh as her sex stretched tightly around the helmet of its new guest. Kyle pushed forward and his thick fuck-steak sunk inch by veiny-inch into Julie’s depths. He could feel his mother tense up. It was at that moment he knew that his mother had never had one this large. Julie was about to be worked in places she never knew existed.
Kyle began to take short, slow strokes, fucking his monster deeper and deeper with each thrust. Julie drew in a sharp breath as her son’s babymaker entered the unexplored depths of her most secret place. Her pussy walls molded around the spongy meat of her boy’s cock, triggering sensitive nerve-ending only touched once before during the boy’s birth. Julie felt the tip of Kyle’s prick nudge against the opening to her cervix, bottoming out with another inch left to go.
Kyle’s natural instincts took over and he started to fuck his big dick up and down his mother’s love-canal. Julie held her baby against her, hanging on for the ride. She brought her long legs up and wrapped them around her boy. Mother and son began to moan as they continued their mating dance. It was only after two-minutes of intense humping that Julie was struck with the most intense orgasm of her life. She was completely at its mercy.
“OHHHHH…GOD!!!!!” Julie screamed.
Kyle fucked hard and watched as his mother gritted her teeth, her face red and contorted. Julie let out a series of grunting screams, like a woman during childbirth, as the waves of orgasmic contractions ripped through her body.
Kyle’s thick young dick pistoned in and out of the 39 year-old cunt, his big floppy balls slapping against the sweaty crack of Julie’s ass again and again. For ten dick-grinding minutes he continued to hump his dream-pussy and it was everything he imagined it would be. Suddenly, he felt his mother tense up again.
“OHHHHH MYYYY GOOODDDDD!!!! Julie wailed, in a crying tone.
Once again Kyle picked up his pace as a second orgasm ripped through his gorgeous mother. Julie nearly cried it hit her so hard. Her body shook and quivered and she let out a long crying groan, so loud the neighbors could probably hear it.
Kyle felt his nuts tighten and a torrent of semen erupted from his cock. Using her heels Julie drew him in, his cock knocking against the back of her fuck-pocket.
“Go deep!!! DEEP!!! She commanded.
Julie felt the ropes of hot jism jetting against the mouth of her cervix. Billions of potent sperm would soon start their journey in search of her eggs.
Kyle rolled off of his mother. He had just dumped a huge load of spunk deep within her cunt. Julie propped a pillow under her ass as she stayed on her back.
“What are you doing, mom?” Kyle asked.
“I have to elevate my hips to let as much of your sperm as possible into my cervix.” She answered.
“Did I do okay?” Kyle asked.
“Okay? You were…You did wonderfully.” She said, stroking her son’s cheek.
“All that screaming you did, I felt like I was hurting you.” Kyle said.
“Hurting me? Oh, sweetie, no. It…It was a different type of screaming.” Julie said.
“What do you mean?” Kyle asked.
“Well, lots of women scream when they have really powerful orgasms. Mom was just feeling really good, that’s all.” She said.
“I like to make you feel good.” Kyle said.
Julie smiled at him warmly.
“I know you do, love, but we need to remember that making each other feel good isn’t really our purpose here. Our goal is to make you a little brother or sister, okay?”
“Okay.” Kyle answered.
“I’m gonna lay here for a little while. Why don’t you go play some video games or something for a bit.” Julie said.
“All right.” Kyle said.
Kyle went to his room for and hour. He couldn’t get the amazing experience of fucking his mother and making her cum out of his mind. He could hear his mother’s shower come on and knew she was getting cleaned up.
A few minutes later Julie called from her bedroom.
“Kyle, sweetie, can you come back down.” She asked.
Kyle leaped off his bed and was back into his parent’s room in a flash. His pecker was already on the rise. He froze when he saw his gorgeous mother standing in front of her mirror, brushing her long hair, which was still wet from her shower. Julie had on a men’s tank top undershirt which hugged her enormous banana-shaped boobs. She also wore a skimpy pair of almost transparent white panties, which were cut so low, nearly a third of the crack of her shapely ass was exposed. She wore a tiny pair of glass-like slippers, with a four-inch heel that made her look like a fucking sex goddess.
“Ready to have another go at it?” Julie said.
“Hell yeah.” Kyle said. He threw off his boxers and leaped back into his mother’s bed.
Julie giggled at his eagerness.
“You’re so cute.” She said lovingly.
Kyle watched his mother round the bed. Her huge sagging tits rolled from side to side, like big milk-sacks, with giant nipples poking through the fabric. Julie sat on the bed. She looked at her son with a smile as she slipped out of her panties and moved under the blankets next to him.
“Shall we plant some more seeds, mister?” She said.
Kyle followed as his mother directed him on top of her. Julie’s long legs parted. Kyle’s dick found its target and sunk back into the warm softness of his mother’s cunt. Kyle started to hump, but Julie stopped him.
“Wait…We need deeper penetration this time. Let’s throw my legs back and rest my ankles on your shoulders.” She said.
Kyle couldn’t believe his ears. Was she serious? This was the position he dreamed about. Julie kicked her legs back with ease and Kyle penned them down so that his head was now between his mother’s pretty little feet. Her fat cunt splayed wide open and the thick young dick of her son quickly stuffed it full. Kyle’s cock sunk to the balls, his cock-head smashed against the lips of Julie’s cervix.
Like a pro, Kyle started fucking his mother with long hard stokes. They were face to face and Julie stared into her son’s eyes as she felt the enormous girth of his boy-streak fuck her harder and deeper than she’d ever been fucked. Kyle noticed his mother’s mouth was partially open, lightly panting with each thrust. The sight of her feet on his shoulders with her pretty little toes pointed was driving him nuts. Like a steam-engine he pumped her cunt. He was determined to fuck more than a baby into this matronly beauty. He was going to make her cum harder than she ever had before, again and again.
It didn’t take the 18 year old very long to reach his goal. After about ten minutes of pussy-pounding, his mother started panting heavily. She was still staring into his eyes, like a helpless little puppy-dog at the mercy of its master. The boy had a huge cock and he knew how to use it. Mother or not, she couldn’t help but respect that.
“OH MY GOD!!!!” Julie wailed.
Kyle dick went into overdrive, fucking Julie’s sloppy cunt like a wildman.
Julie stiffened and her entire body started to convulse. Kyle held her legs down and just kept feeding his fat cock in and out of Julie’s mommy-cunt. For a full two minutes Julie shook and screamed, growling through gritted teeth as she rode through one orgasmic contraction after another.
Kyle smiled confidently. He knew that this time around he could go on forever. He had amazing stamina and was determined to keep his mother cumming in buckets. The teenaged boy rested his full weight down on the middle-aged mom and worked his cock into a nice full-stroked rhythm. He could feel great gobs of spongy boob-flesh quivering against his chest. The next three days were his and he was going to savor every fucking second of it.
Kyle and his mother Julie had been at it non-stop for nearly an hour. Julie had cum six more times. Her son had given her more orgasms today than she had the entire month with her husband. Kyle dumped his load deep into Julie’s twat and rolled off of her, completely exhausted. She propped her hips up with a pillow to keep all his potent syrup inside of her.
“Honey, why don’t you go down to your room and have a nap, you must be exhausted.” She said.
Kyle went to his room and within minutes he was fast asleep. He woke an hour later to someone stroking the side of his head. He turned to find his mother sitting on the edge of his bed. She smiled down at him.
“Wake up, sleepyhead. Time to get back to work.” She said.
“What time is it?” Kyle asked, rubbing his eyes.
“It’s three-thirty. We have time for one more session before your dad comes home. Why don’t you freshen up, then come back down to my bedroom, okay?” Julie said.
“Okay.” He answered.
Julie left and Kyle washed his face and went back down to his parents’ bedroom. His mother was sitting at the foot of the bed waiting. He noticed a wooden chair nearby.
“What’s that for?” He asked.
“Sit down and I’ll tell you.” She said.
Kyle sat in the chair. Julie had her long milky-white legs crossed and Kyle couldn’t help but admire them. He couldn’t believe that he had those beautiful legs wrapped around him earlier as he layed in to his mother’s cunt. It all seemed like one big wet dream.
“They say that ninety-percent of a man’s sperm never makes it through the opening to the woman’s cervix, so I have an idea that might greatly increase our chances of getting me pregnant.” She said.
“Okay.” Kyle said.
“If we could somehow get you through the head of my cervix, when you ejaculate your sperm will have already bypassed one of their biggest obstacles.” She explained.
“Is that possible?” Kyle asked.
“Well, you definitely have the length for it, but we’d have to try a new position in order to achieve maximum depth. Would you be okay with that?” Julie asked.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Kyle asked.
“Well, the first two times we were under the blankets and you were on top. This time we’d have to be a little more exposed…and I’d have to be on top of you.” She said.
“Well, whatever has to be done, I suppose.” Kyle said.
Julie smiled at him lovingly.
“You are such a sweetheart doing this for me.” Julie said.
She stood up, walked over to Kyle and gave a little tug on the leg of his boxers.
“Get these off.” She whispered.
Kyle slipped out of his boxers and his big dick bobbed up and down. Julie glanced at the boy’s cock, then looked him in the eyes.
“I don’t know where you got your size. Must have been my side of the family.” She said.
“Dad’s isn’t this big?” Kyle asked, although he already knew the answer.
“Your father’s penis is…fair sized, but I would say that what you have down there is, well…how shall I say this…much, much larger than most. I have a feeling it’s going to make lots of beautiful babies…starting with ours.” Julie said.
“I hope so.” Kyle said proudly.
“Well, mister…” Julie said as she reached under her robe and slid her panties down her long legs. She kicked them to the side and smiled at Kyle. “We have a baby to make.” She said.
“Mom…I…” Kyle started.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” She asked.
“I was just wondering if maybe you’d…” Kyle tried to spit out his words as he looked at the swell of his mother’s enormous breasts. “If you’d…”
“Take off my robe?” She asked.
“Yeah.” Kyle said bashfully.
“I don’t know, sugar. I promised your father that I’d keep our sessions as unrevealing as possible.” She said.
“Yeah but…you’ve seen me. It’s no big deal, right?” Kyle asked.
“Sweetie, your penis is a necessary part of this process…my breasts aren’t. I just don’t know if it’s a good idea.” Julie said.
“What about your orgasms? Were those a necessary part of this process?” Kyle said.
“Now hold on a minute, mister. Those were totally beyond my control.” Julie said.
“Then it shouldn’t bother dad to know that you’ve had nine of them today.” Kyle smiled.
“Kyle, you wouldn’t dare tell him about those. Sweetie, you can’t…it would break his heart.” Julie said pleadingly.
“Yeah…he’d be pissed as hell.” Kyle smiled.
Julie put her hands on her waist and glared down at Kyle.
“Okay, mister, I can see where you’re going with this. Tell you what…if I lose the robe, you gotta promise me that those orgasms stay between us, got it?” She said.
“Yeah, of course.” Kyle said.
“And one more thing, buster. Just because my boobs are naked and they’re bouncing around on you doesn’t mean they’re up for grabs, understand?” She said.
“Perfectly.” Kyle answered.
Julie moved to Kyle’s side and threw her leg over his lap, straddling him.
“Sure you’re gonna be able to handle the weight of me on top of you?” She asked.
“Yeah, no problem.” Kyle answered.
Julie sat on Kyle’s lap and his big hard dick wedged up against her fat clit. She brought her feet up and placed her heels on the back edge of the seat of the chair and rested her hands on Kyle’s shoulders. Kyle could feel the full weight of his mom’s ass resting on his lap. Julie looked into her son’s eyes.
“Untie my robe.” She whispered.
Kyle did as he was told and Julie’s robe fell open, exposing the deep canyon between her big milky-white breasts.
“Now slide it off my shoulders.” She said.
Kyle did so and Julie’s robe fell to the floor. Her son gawked at her enormous banana-shaped breasts. The sagging utters hung low on Julie’s chest and were capped with giant saucer-sized nipples.
“See…you’re not the only one in this family who’s well endowed.” Julie said with a smile.
“Wow…they’re beautiful.” Kyle said.
“They’re heavy…and they’ll get a lot heavier as I progress into my pregnancy…but first I have to GET pregnant which is never gonna happen if you just sit there staring.” She said with a giggle.
“Oh…sorry.” Kyle said.
“It’s okay, love. I realize it’s not every day that a boy your age gets this close to boobs as big as mine.” Julie said as she combed through Kyles hair with her long nails. “It must be a little overwhelming.” She said.
“A little.” Kyle said, his eyes still glued to his mom’s amazing chest.
“Well, shall we try and get that big baby-maker of yours into my cervix?” She asked.
Julie moved forward and her spongy tit-sacks pressed against Kyle’s chest. She lifted her ass, grabbed his meaty pecker and positioned the purple bulb into the fleshy groove between the big pink lips of her labia. She lowered her ass back down and Kyle’s cock stretched his mother’s pouch as it sunk inch by inch.
Kyle felt his knob grind against the back wall of Julie’s cunt as he bottomed out. Julie held her son tight, resting her head on his shoulder as she worked her hips back and forth. For a good five minutes Julie worked the lips of her cervix against the tip of her baby’s cock.
“Come on, sweetie, we gotta work it through.” She panted.
Julie started to bounce slightly on her son’s lap. It wasn’t long before Kyle felt his fat bulb work itself into the groove of his mother’s cervical lips.
“Oh my God, yes. Thrust your hips, baby, I can feel it going in…That’s it, work it through.” Julie said.
Finally, Kyle felt his knob slide through the lips and into Julie’s cervix.
“Yes. Oh darling, you did it! You’re inside my cervix.” Julie announced.
Julie worked a good inch of Kyle’s dong into her secret chamber. Her cervical ring pulsed around Kyle’s shaft, closing tight around the thick invader.
“We need to keep it inside. I want you to stay as still as you can while I ride you.” She said.
For the next 15 minutes Julie did the little bump and grind. Using her strong cunt muscles, she squeezed and released and squeezed and released over and over, try to milk an orgasm from him, but at the same time, keeping the tip of his cock inside her precious cervix.
“How are you feeling, love?” She asked.
“I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to cum this way, unless I thrust.” Kyle said.
“No, you can’t thrust, sweetie. I have to keep you inside my cervix.” Julie said. She thought for a moment, still working her hips in a small circle on his manhood. “Okay, there’s only one way this is gonna work. We both have to completely let go.” She said.
“What do you mean?” Kyle asked.
“What I mean is, for a few minutes we have to forget that we’re mother and son. We have to break the rules and completely let go. If we do this, I think we’ll be able to excite an orgasm out of you.” Julie said. “You need to understand though that what I’m about to do will never, ever happen again. I’m only doing it to get you excited, understand?” She asked.
“Yeah.” Kyle said.
As Julie continued to work her cunt muscles like a pro, she looked straight into Kyle’s eyes. Slowly, she brought her lips to his and gave him a slow sensual kiss, then another, then another. She pulled his face to her big pillowy boobs.
“Oh sweet baby…suck my big soft titties, lover.” She moaned.
Kyle and Julie didn’t know it but Julie’s husband had come home early. He knew full well that there was a chance that his wife and son might be having one of their sessions upstairs. Even though Jim knew he deserved it by cheating on his wife, he couldn’t help but feel absolute rage at the fact that his cocky teenaged son was dicking his own wife. And even worse, that the two of them were making a baby together, something he should be capable of doing, but wasn’t.
Jim heard his wife let out a loud moan upstairs. He carefully creeped up the steps and down the hallway to his bedroom door. He could hear Julie panting, moaning as she rode their son’s young cock. What he was completely unprepared for was his wife’s attempt to get their son to cum.
“Oh Kyle baby, feel my pussy surrounding your big cock, lover.” She said. “Oh, that’s it, suck my big titties, baby.” She moaned.
Jim’s stomach sunk as he listened to the two of them.
“Come on, stud, pump a baby into your mother, lover. Oh my God, I think I’m gonna cum again.” Julie moaned.
Jim’s mouth fell open as he listened to his wife’s words.
Jim backed down the hallway. He was feeling sick and looking pale. As Julie reached her climax, her screams filled the entire house.
Jim jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen, but try as he may, he couldn’t hide from his wife’s voice.
“OOOHHHHH!!!!!! OOOHHHHH!!!! Julie wailed.
Upstairs Kyle’s face was buried in tit-flesh. He licked and sucked his mother’s giant nipples. Julie continued to grunt and groan as the orgasmic contractions shook her. Kyle felt the rush of his mother’s hot orgasmic fluid soak his big balls.
Ten minutes later Kyle felt a torrent of semen rocket up his shaft.
“Oh, mom…I’m cumming!!!” He announced.
Julie worked her coital wall with intense force, coaxing the milk from her young partner’s wand. She suddenly felt thick ropes of jism explode into her cervical chamber. Strand after thick potent strand of creamy fuck-milk filled Julie’s insides and she knew that the billions of sperm were well on their way to finding and fucking her precious egg.
Jim was sitting at the kitchen table when Julie came down the stairs a half hour later. She looked freshly showered and wore a sundress and high-heeled slippers. She paused in the kitchen doorway when she saw her husband.
“Sweetie…you’re home early. Is everything okay?” She asked.
“No…Not really.” He answered.
A nervousness swept over Julie’s face.
“How long have you been home?” She asked.
“Long enough to hear my wife’s orgasm. Number ten huh?” He asked disappointedly.
“Jim, I…we didn’t really…” Julie was at a loss for words. She knew she’d been caught red handed.
“I can’t believe you’d do this. Jesus, Julie, the things you were saying to him.” Jim said.
“Hold on a minute. If this is such a problem, then why the hell did you give us the okay to make a baby in the first place?” Julie asked.
“I gave him the okay to get you pregnant, not to fondle your breasts and whatever the hell else he was doing in there. You’re my wife for Christ’s sakes, that little bastard has some nerve.” Jim spouted.
“You promised me that your sessions would be quick and unrevealing. I heard you call him your lover, Julie and an “amazing little motherfucker.” How the hell am I supposed to take that?” Jim asked.
Julie shook her head as she sat down in a chair.
“I don’t know what to tell you…but if you’re expecting an apology you can go fuck yourself. Kyle and I are doing what we have to do to make this baby.” Julie said angrily.
“Ten orgasms. Is that what it takes to get pregnant these days?” Jim asked in a smart ass tone.
“What seems to be the problem, dad?” Kyle asked as he entered the kitchen from the hallway.
Jim jumped up from his chair.
“The problem is she’s your mother and a married woman and from what I heard, the two of you were getting into it much too hot and heavy.” Jim said.
“I thought we had a deal, dad.” Kyle said sternly.
“We did, but this funny business wasn’t part of the deal.” Jim answered.
“The deal was I get mom pregnant. I don’t think you’re really in a position to tell us how we can or can’t make that happen; do you?” Kyle asked, staring his father down.
Julie looked up at her son, who had now moved up next to her as she sat. She then looked at her husband, awaiting his answer.
“WELL…DO YOU?” Kyle shouted.
“No, I don’t.” Jim answered, looking at the floor like a scolded child.
“Then here’s what’s gonna happen. Mom and I are gonna make this baby, OUR WAY, and you’re gonna keep your fucking mouth shut, understand?” He asked.
Julie looked up at her young hero. Her eyes traveled down his muscular body and it struck her that Kyle was a complete stud, in every possible way. At the tender age of 18, her son was more of a man than her husband could ever be. She suddenly felt a complete awe and respect for this handsome stud of a teenaged boy. The middle-aged mom gazed up at her son like a young teenaged virgin at the feet of the aggressive, big dicked football player. It was pure puppy-love.
“Now, how ’bout you get the fuck out of here before I decide to call this deal off.” Kyle threatened.
Jim was fuming mad, but he knew that his son held a secret that would completely destroy his marriage. He stormed out of the kitchen. Julie watched him leave with a slight smirk on her face. She couldn’t believe how much power her son had over her husband. She stood up and Kyle faced her.
“Are you okay?” Kyle asked.
“Yeah…I’m fine. Sweetie, that was…so brave of you.” She said.
“I just had to set him straight, that’s all.” Kyle said.
Julie took Kyle’s hands into hers and stared into his eyes.
“You’re so brave…like a knight in shining armor…and I’m like the princess…the princess who’s falling for him.” She said lovingly.
“What do you mean?” Kyle asked.
“What I mean is what I said…” Julie answered as she moved in close to him. “You better be careful, ’cause right or wrong…YOUR MOTHER’S FALLING FOR YOU…BIG TIME!” Julie said wickedly. She gave him a loving peck on the forehead, then both of them stared into each other’s eyes for a good ten seconds, like two lovers sharing that silent look of lust. It was clear that for the first time, Julie was hungering for her son’s cock, and not just for the purpose of making a baby.

Adinda, gadis primadona

Hari telah senja awan mendung pun mulai menyelimuti kota metropolitan ini membuat suasana semakin gelap, di saat itu di sebuah SMU Negeri terkenal di kota itu nampak gadis-gadis membubarkan diri dari sebuah ruang aula olahraga. Mereka mengakhiri latihan rutin paduan suaranya.
Tawa dan canda khas gadis-gadis SMU mengiringi mereka bubar, satu demi satu mereka keluar dari halaman sekolah yang telah gelap itu. Sementara itu suara gunturpun terdengar pertanda hujan akan segera turun. Ada yang dijemput oleh orangtuanya, adapula yang membawa mobil pribadi, dan ada juga yang menggunakan angkutan umum.
Aku sangatlah hafal dengan aktifitas anak-anak SMU ini, karena memang sudah hampir sebulan ini aku bekerja sebagai tukang cat disekolah ini. Usiaku memang sudah tidak muda lagi, saat ini aku berusia 48 tahun. Aku adalah seorang duda, istriku sudah lama minggat meninggalkanku setelah mengetahui aku tengah melakukan hubungan intim dengan keponakannya. Reputasiku sebenarnya lebih banyak didunia hitam, dulu aku dikenal sebagai seorang germo yang aku sambi dengan berdagang ganja. Namun beberapa bulan yang lalu semua para wanita yang aku jajakan terkena razia dan kemudian bisnis ganjaku hancur setelah kurir yang biasa membawa ganja ditembak mati oleh aparat.
Di sekolah ini aku tidaklah sendirian aku masuk bekerja dengan sahabatku yang bernama Charles yang seorang residivis kambuhan. Usianya tidak begitu jauh denganku yaitu 46 th, perawakannya tinggi besar rambutnya panjang dan kumal. Kami berdua sengaja hidup berpindah-pindah tempat. Kami bukanlah pekerja tetap di sekolah ini, kami hanya mendapat order untuk mengerjakan pengecatan kusen-kusen pintu-pintu kelas di sekolah ini.
Kami tidak dibayar mahal namun kami memiliki kebebasan untuk tinggal dilingkungan sekolah ini. Maklumlah kami adalah perantau yang hidup nomaden. Di antara gadis-gadis tadi, ada salah seorang yang paling menonjol. Aku sangatlah hafal dengannya. Karena memang dia cantik, lincah dan aktif dalam kegiatan sekolah, sehingga akupun sering melihat dia mondar-mandir di sekolahan ini.
Adinda Wulandari namanya. Postur tubuhnya mungil, wajahnya cantik dan imut-imut, kulitnya putih bersih serta wangi selalu, rambutnya ikal panjang sebahu dan selalu diikat model ekor kuda. Penampilannyapun modis sekali, seragam sekolah yang dikenakannya selalu berukuran ketat, rok seragam abu-abunya berpotongan sejengkal di atas lutut sehingga pahanya yang putih mulus itu terlihat, ukuran roknyapun ketat sekali membuat pantatnya yang sekal itu terlihat menonjol, sampai-sampai garis celana dalamnya pun terlihat jelas melintang menghiasi lekuk pantatnya, tak lupa kaos kaki putih selalu menutupi betisnya yang putih mulus itu.
Tidak bisa kupungkiri lagi aku tengah jatuh cinta kepadanya. Namun perasaan cintaku kepada Adinda lebih didominasi oleh nafsu sex semata. Gairahku memuncak apabila aku memandanginya atau berpapasan dengannya disaat aku tengah bekerja di sekolah ini. Ingin aku segera meyetubuhinya. Banyak sudah pelacur-pelacur kunikmati akan tetapi belum pernah aku menikmati gadis perawan muda yang cantik dan sexy seperti Adinda ini. Aku ingin mendapatkan kepuasan itu bersama dengan Adinda.
Informasi demi informasi kukumpulkan dari orang-orang disekolah itu, dari penjaga sekolah, dari tukang parkir, dari karyawan sekoah. Dari merekalah aku mengetahui nama gadis itu. Dan dari orang-orang itupun aku tahu bahwa Adinda adalah seorang siswi yang duduk di kelas 2, umurnya baru 16 tahun. Beberapa saat yang lalu dia merayakan hari ulang tahunnya yang ke-16 di kantin sekolah ini bersama teman-temannya sekelas. Diapun termasuk siswi yang berprestasi, aktif dalam kegiatan paduan suara dan paskibra di sekolah ini. Dan yang informasi terakhir yang kudapat bahwa dia ternyata adalah salah seorang finalis foto model yang diselenggarakan oleh sebuah majalah khusus untuk remaja putri terkenal di Negeri ini dan bulan depan dia akan mengikuti seleksi tahap akhir.
Kini disaat sekolah telah sepi salah satu dari gadis-gadis anggota paduan suara tadi itu tengah merintih-rintih dihadapanku. Dia adalah gadis yang terakhir kalinya masih tersisa di dalam sekolah ini, yang sedang asyik bercanda ria dengan temannya melalui HP-nya, semetara yang lainnya telah meninggalkan halaman sekolah. Beberapa menit yang lalu melalui sebuah pergulatan yang tidak seimbang aku telah berhasil meringkusnya dengan mudah, kedua tangannya kuikat dengan kencang kebelakang tubuhnya, dan mulutnya kusumpal dengan kain gombal. Setelah itu kuseret tubuhnya ke bangsal olahraga yang berada di bagian belakang bangunan sekolah ini.
Tidak salah salah lagi gadis itu adalah Adinda, gadis cantik sang primadona sekolah ini yang telah lama kuincar. Aku sangat hafal dengan kebiasaannya yaitu menunggu jemputan supir orang tuanya di kala selesai latihan sore dan sang supir selalu terlambat datang setengah jam dari jam bubaran latihan. Sehingga dia paling akhir meninggalkan halaman sekolah. Kini dia meringkuk dihadapanku, dengan tangisannya yang teredam oleh kain gombal yang kusumpal di mulutnya.
Sepertinya dia memohon-mohon sesuatu padaku tetapi apa peduliku, air matanya nampak mengalir deras membasahi wajahnya yang cantik itu. Sesekali nampak dia meronta-ronta mencoba melepaskan ikatan tali tambang yang mengikat erat di kedua tangannya, namun sia-sia saja, aku telah mengikat erat dengan berbagai simpul.
Posisinya kini bersujud di hadapanku, tangisannya kian lama kian memilukan, aku menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa dia kini tengah berada dalam rasa keputusasaan dan ketakutan yang teramat sangat di dalam dirinya. Kunyalakan sebatang rokok dan kunikmati isapan demi isapan rokok sambil kutatap tajam dan kupandangi tubuh gadis cantik itu, indah nian tubuhnya, kulitnya putih bersih, pantatnya sekal berisi.
Kunikmati rintihan dan tangis gadis cantik yang tengah dilanda ketakutan itu, bagai seseorang yang tengah menikmati alunan musik di dalam ruangan sepi. Suara tangisnya yang teredam itu memecahkan kesunyian bangsal olahraga di sekolah yang tua ini. Sesekali dia meronta-ronta mencoba melepaskan tali ikatan yang mengikat kedua tangannya itu.
Lama kelamaan kulihat badannya mulai melemah, isak tangisnya tidak lagi sekeras tadi dan sekarang dia sudah tidak lagi meronta-ronta mungkin tenaganya telah habis setelah sekian lamanya menagis meraung-raung dengan mulutnya yang telah tersumbat. Sepertinya di dalam hatinya dia menyesali, kenapa Heru supirnya selalu terlambat menjemputnya, kenapa tadi tidak menumpang Desy sahabat karibnya yang tadi mengajaknya pulang bareng, kenapa tadi tidak langsung keluar dari lingkungan sekolah di saat latihan usai, kenapa malah asyik melalui HP bercanda ria dengan Fifi sahabatnya. Yah, semua terlambat untuk disesali pikirnya, dan saat ini sesuatu yang mengerikan akan terjadi pada dirinya.
“Beres Yon.., pintu pagar depan sudah gue tutup dan gembok”, terdengar suara dari seseorang yang tengah memasuki bangsal.
Ternyata Charles dengan langkah agak gontai dia menutup pintu bangsal yang mulai gelap ini.
“OK.. Sip, gue udah beresin nih anak, tinggal kita pake aja..”, ujarku kepada Charles sambil tersenyum.
Kebetulan malam ini Pak Parijan sang penjaga sekolah beserta keluarganya yang tinggal di dalam lingkungan sekolah ini yaitu sedang pulang kampung, baru besok lusa mereka kembali ke sekolah ini. Mereka langsung mempercayakan kepada kami untuk menjaga sekolah ini selama mereka pergi.
Maka tinggallah kami berdua bersama dengan Adinda yang masih berada di dalam sekolah ini. Pintu gerbang sekolah telah kami rantai dan kami gembok sehingga orang-orang menyangka pastilah sudah tidak ada aktifitas atau orang lagi di dalam gedung ini. Pak Heru sang supir yang menjemput Adinda pastilah berpikiran bahwa Adinda telah pulang, setelah melihat keadaan sekolah itu.
Kupandang lagi tubuh Adinda yang lunglai itu, badannya bergetar karena rasa takutannya yang teramat sangat di dalam dirinya. Hujanpun mulai turun, ruangan di dalam bangsal semakin gelap gulita angin dinginpun bertiup masuk ke dalam bangsal itu, Charles menyalakan satu buah lampu TL yang persis diatas kami, sehingga cukup menerangi bagian disekitar kami saja. Kuhisap dalam-dalam rokokku dan setelah itu kumatikan. Mulailah kubuka bajuku satu per satu, hingga akhirnya aku telanjang bulat. Batang kemaluanku telah lama berereksi semenjak meringkus Adinda di teras sekolah tadi.
“Gue dulu ya..”, ujarku ke Charles.
“Ok boss..”, balas Charles sambil kemudian berjalan meninggalkan aku keluar bangsal.
Kudekati tubuh Adinda yang tergolek dilantai, kuraba-raba punggung gadis itu, kurasakan detak jantungnya yang berdebar keras, kemudian tanganku turun hingga bagian pantatnya yang sekal itu, kuusap-usap pantatnya dengan lembut, kurasakan kenyal dan empuknya pantat itu sambil sesekali kutepok-tepok. Badan Adinda kembali kurasakan bergetar, tangisnya kembali terdengar, sepertinya dia kembali memohon sesuatu, akan tetapi karena mulutnya masih tersumbat suaranyapun tidak jelas dan aku tidak memperdulikannya.
Dari daerah pantat tanganku turun ke bawah ke daerah lututnya dan kemudian menyelinap masuk ke dalam roknya serta naik ke atas ke bagian pahanya. Kurasakan lembut dan mulus sekali paha Adinda ini, kuusap-usap terus menuju keatas hingga kebagian pangkal pahanya yang masih ditutupi oleh celana dalam.
Karena sudah tidak tahan lagi, kemudian aku posisikan tubuh Adinda kembali bersujud, dengan kepala menempel dilantai, dengan kedua tangannya masih terikat kebelakang. Aku singkapkan rok seragam abu-abu SMU-nya sampai sepinggang.
“Waw indah nian.. Gadis ini” gunamku sambil melototi paha dan pantat sekal gadis ini.
Kemudian aku lucuti celana dalamnya yang berwarna putih itu, terlihatlah dua gundukan pantat sekal gadis ini yang putih bersih. Sementara Adinda terus menangis kini aku memposisikan diriku berlutut menghadap ke pantat gadis itu, kurentangkan kedua kakinya melebar sedikit. Dengan jari tengahku, aku coba meraba-raba selangkangan gadis ini. Disaat jari tengahku menempel pada bagian tubuhnya yang paling pribadi itu, tiba-tiba tubuh gadis ini mengejang. Mungkin saat ini pertama kali kemaluannya disentuh oleh tangan seorang lelaki.
Di saat kudapatkan bibir kemaluannya kemudian dengan jariku itu, aku korek-korek lobang kemaluannya. Dengan maksud agar keluar sedikit cairan kewanitaannya dari lobang kemaluannya itu. Tubuhnya seketika itu menggeliat-geliat disaat kukorek-korek lobang kemaluannya, suara desahan-desahanpun terdengar dari mulut Adinda, tidak lama kemudian kemaluannya mulai basah oleh cairan lendir yang dikeluarkan dari lobang vaginanya.
Setelah itu dengan segera kucabut jari tengahku dan kubimbing batang kemaluanku denga tangan kiriku kearah bibir vagina Adinda. Pertama yang aku pakai adalah gaya anjing, ini adalah gaya favoritku. Dan..
“Hmmpphh..”, terdengar rintihan dari mulut Adinda disaat kulesakkan batang kemaluanku kebibir vaginanya.
Dengan sekuat tenaga aku mulai mendorong-dorong batang kemaluanku masuk kelobang kemaluannya. Rasanya sangat seret sekali, karena sempitnya lobang kemaluan gadis perawan ini. Aku berusaha terus melesakkan batang kemaluanku kelobang kemaluannya dengan dibantu oleh kedua tanganku yang mencengkram erat pinggulnya.
Kulihat badan Adinda mengejang, kepala mendongak keatas dan sesekali menggeliat-geliat. Aku tahu saat ini dia tengah merasakan sakit dan pedih yang tiada taranya. Keringat terus mengucur deras membasahi baju seragam sekolahnya, namun harum wangi parfumnya masih terus tercium, membuat segarnya aroma Adinda saat itu, rintihan-rintihan terdengar dari mulutnya yang masih tersumpal itu.
Dan akhirnya setelah sekian lamanya aku terus melesakkan batang kemaluanku, kini bobol sudah lobang kemaluan Adinda. Aku telah berhasil menanamkan seluruh batang kemaluanku ke dalam lobang vaginanya. Kurasakan kehangatan di sekujur batang kemaluanku, dinding vagina Adinda terasa berdenyut-denyut seperti mengurut-urut batang kemaluanku.
Sejenak kudiamkan batang kemaluanku tertanam di dalam lobang vaginanya, kunikmati denyutan-demi denyutan dinding vagina Adinda yang mencengkram erat batang kemaluanku. Selanjutnya kurasakan seperti ada cairan mengucur mengalir membasahi batang kemaluanku dan kemudian meluber keluar menetes-netes. Ah.. Ternyata itu darah, berarti aku telah merenggut keperawanan dari gadis cantik ini.
Sementara itu kepala Adinda kembali tertunduk di lantai, desah nafasnya terdengar keras, badannya melemas. Setelah itu, aku mulai memompakan kemaluanku di dalam lobang vaginanya. Kedua tanganku yang mencengkram erat pinggulnya juga membantu memajumundurkan tubuhnya. Badan Adinda kembali tegang, rintihan kembali terdengar. Semakin lama aku semakin mempercepat gerakanku, hingga tubuh Adinda tersodok-sodok dengan cepat sesekali, badannya juga menggeliat-geliat.
Raut mukanya meringis-ringis akibat rasa sakit di selangkangannya. Hujanpun mulai turun dengan deras dan aku ingin menikmati rintihan-rintihan dari gadis ini. Sementara aku terus menyodok-nyodok dari belakang, aku putuskan untuk membuka gombal yang sedari tadi membekap mulutnya.
Dan, “Aakk.. Akkhh.. Oohh.. Ooh.. Iihh.. Oohh..”, suara erangan Adinda kini terdengar, kunikmati suara-suara itu sebagai penghantar diriku yang tengah menyetubuhi gadis ini.
Suaranya menggema di seluruh bangsal olahraga ini, namun masih tertelan oleh suara derasnya hujan diluar. Adinda semakin terlihat kepayahan, tubuhnya melemah namun aku masih terus menggenjotnya, gerakanku semakin cepat.
Bosan dengan posisi itu aku cabut kemaluanku dari lobang vaginanya dan kulihat darah berceceran membasahi selangkangannya dan kemaluanku. Sejenak Adinda mendesahkan nafas lega, kubalik tubuhnya, dan kini posisi dia telentang. Setelah itu kurentangkan kedua kakinya dan kulipat hingga kedua pahanya menyentuh dadanya. Kulihat jelas kemaluan gadis ini, indah sekali. Bulu-bulunya yang masih jarang-jarang itu tumbuh menghias di sekitar bibir kemaluannya.
“Ohh.. Jangann Bang.. Ampun.. Bang.. Oohh.. Sakitt sekali.. Bang”, terdengar Adinda merintih pelan memohon belas kasihan kepadaku.
Dengan menyeringai aku tindih tubuh Adinda itu. Kembali aku benamkan batang kemaluanku di dalam lobang vaginanya.
“Aakkhh..”, Adinda terpekik matanya terpejam, roman mukanya kembali meringis kesakitan dikala aku menanamkan batang kemaluanku ke dalam lobang kemaluannya.
Setelah itu aku kembali memompakan tubuhku, menggenjot tubuh Adinda. Batang kemaluanku dengan gaharnya mengaduk aduk, menyodok-nyodok lobang kemaluannya. Tubuh Adinda kembali tersodok-sodok. Sesekali kuputar-putar pinggulku, yang membuat tubuh Adinda kembali kelojotan, dari bibir Adinda terdengar desahan-desahan halus
“Ohh.. Enngghh.. Oohh.. Ohh.. Oohh..”.
Setelah sekian menit lamanya aku menyetubuhinya, aku merasakan diriku akan berejakulasi. Segera kupeluk kepalanya dan kucengkram erat dengan kedua tanganku setelah itu irama gerakanku kupercepat.
“Aakkhh..” akupun mengejan, tubuhku mengeras. Croot.. Croott.. Croott.. Akupun berejakulasi, kusemprotkan spermaku di dalam rahimnya. Banyak sekali sperma yang kukeluarkan menyemprot membasahi liang vaginanya hingga meluber keluar meleleh membasahi pahanya.
Kulihat raut muka Adinda saat itu nampak panik, sinar matanya menunjukkan kekalahan dan kepedihan. Dengan tatapan sayu dia memandangiku disaat aku mengejan menyemprotkan spermaku yang terakhir. Ahh nikmat sekali gadis ini, baru kali ini aku merengut keperawanan seorang gadis kota yang cantik.
Setelah itu akupun merebahkan tubuhku menindih tubuhnya yang lemah, sambil mengatur nafasku. Tubuhku berguncang-guncang akibat dari isakan-isakan tangisnya serta nafasnya yang tersengal-sengal, sementara itu kemaluanku kubiarkan tertanam di dalam lobang kemaluannya.
Kubelai-belai rambutnya, kukecup-kecup pipi dan bibirnya. Terasa lembut sekali bibirnya, kumainkan lidahku di dalam mulutnya, sejenak aku bercumbu mesra dengan Adinda. Dia hanya terisak-isak dengan nafas yang terus tersengal-sengal. Akhirnya kusudahi permainanku ini, aku bangkit sambil mencabut kemaluanku.
“Ouugghh..”, Adinda merintih panjang saat kutarik kemaluanku keluar dari lobang vaginanya.
Kulihat diselangkangannya telah penuh dengan cairan-cairan kental dan darah penuh membasahi bulu-bulu kemaluannya. Tak kusadari Charles ternyata telah berdiri didekatku, dan rupanya dia telah telanjang bulat menunggu gilirannya, badannya yang kekar dan tinggi itu nampak semakin sangar dengan banyaknya gambar-gambar tattoo yang menghiasi sekujur dada dan lengannya. Dengan rasa toleran sebagai seorang sahabat, akupun menyingkir dari tubuh Adinda yang tergolek lemas dilantai. Aku ambil jarak beberapa meter dari tubuh Adinda kemudian aku kembali merebahkan tubuhku. Dengan tiduran terlentang dilantai aku menggali kembali rasa nikmatku setelah melampiaskan nafsuku ke Adinda tadi.
Sedang asyik-asyiknya aku istirahat, terdengar olehku bunyi sesuatu, “Srett.. Sreett.. Sreett.. Brett..” diikuti oleh isak tangis Adinda yang terdengar kembali.
Setelah kuperhatikan, oh ternyata Charles dengan sebuah pisau cutter ditangannya tengah sibuk merobek-robek baju seragam Adinda. Dengan kasarnya Charles mencabik-cabik baju seragam putih Adinda, termasuk BH putih yang dikenalkannya. Dan akhirnya kini badan Adinda telah telanjang, kedua buah payudaranya yang tidak begitu besar kini terpampang jelas. Termasuk juga rok abu-abu yang melilit di pinggangnya setelah kusingkap tadi dirobek-robeknya, haya sepasang kaos kaki putih setinggi betisnya serta sepatu kets masih dikenakannya.
“Ouuhh.. Ammpuunn.. Bang.. Ampun..”, suara Adinda terdengar lirih memohon-mohon ampun ke Charles yang sepertinya tengah kalap kemasukan setan itu.
Setelah itu dengan gombal yang tadi menyumpal mulut Adinda, Charles membersihkan daerah selangkangan Adinda. Dengan sedikit kasar Charles mengusap-usap selangkangan Adinda sampai-sampai tubuh Adinda menggeliat-geliat. Akupun kembali merebahkan tubuhku, mengatur nafasku serta kunyalakan sebatang rokok sebagai penghantar istirahatku.
Sementara itu hujan diluar mulai reda, namun angin dingin terus berhembus masuk ke dalam bangsal tempat pembantaian Adinda ini. Tiba-tiba semenit kemudian di kala aku sedang rebahan dan asyik-asyiknya menikmati rokokku. Terdengar olehku jerit Adinda yang memilukan
Akupun terbangun, kulihat dari asal suara itu. Ternyata Charles tengah menyodomi Adinda. Posisi Adinda kembali bersujud dengan kepala yang mendongak keatas, bola matanya terbelalak, wajahnya cantiknya terlihat miris sekali, mulutnya menganga membentuk huruf “O” dan Charles berada dibelakangnya tengah asyik menanamkan batang kemaluannya yang besar itu ke dalam lobang anus Adinda.
“Aakkhh..” Charlespun mendesah lepas tatkala dia berhasil menanamkan batang kemaluannya dilobang anus Adinda.
Setelah itu lubang anus Adinda dihujani sodokan-sodokan batang kemaluan Charles, Charles melakukannya dengan gerakan yang cepat dan kasar sampai-sampai tubuh Adinda terdorong-dorong dan tersodok-sodok dengan keras. Tidak ada suara rintihan lagi yang keluar dari mulut Adinda mungkin karena suara tertahan ditenggorokannya karena menahan rasa sakit yang dideritanya, akan tetapi badannya masih kaku menegang, raut mukanya kini meringis-ringis, mulutnya masih saja menganga terbuka.
Rasa sakit dan pedih kembali melanda dirinya yang tengah disodomi oleh Charles. Melihat ini aku kebali terangsang, nafsu birahiku kembali memuncak. Aku bangkit dari rebahanku mendekati mereka berdua. Kemaluanku kembali ereksi melihat keadaan Adinda yang tengah menderita. Kuamati wajahnya dari dekat dan dia masih terlihat cantik, keringatpun mengucur deras membasahi wajah cantiknya.
Aku dengan posisi berlutut berada didepan wajah Adinda, yang masih mendongak kesakitan itu, sementara itu seluruh badannya terus tersodok-sodok karena ulah Charles yang menggenjotnya dari belakang. Kini aku dan Charles berhadap-hadapan sementara Adinda berada ditengah-tengah kami. Charlespun menghentikan sejenak genjotannya untuk memberikan kesempatan padaku memposisikan diri. Kuraih batang kemaluanku yang telah berdiri tegak, dan kujejalkan kemulut Adinda yang masih menganga itu.
Ah, rasa dingin dan basah menyelimuti sekujur batang kemaluanku tatkala masuk di dalam rongga mulut Adinda. Nikmat rasanya, juga kurasakan kelembutan mulut dan bibirnya di sekujur batang kemaluanku. Setelah itu kembali Charles menggenjot tubuh Adinda dari belakang. Kulirik mata Adinda menjadi sayu, nafasnya tersengal-sengal, aku hanya berdiri santai saja, karena tubuh Adinda yang bergerak-gerak maju mundur sebagai akibat sodokan-sodokan Charles yang tengah mulai menyodominya kembali dari belakang. Kubelai-belai rambutnya yang indah, sambil kutatap wajah dan badannya.
“Ahh.. Ahh.. Ah..”, nikmat sekali rasanya mulut gadis ini, sambil memejamkan mata dan menikmati rokok aku terus merasakan kenikmatan di sekujur batang kemaluanku yang tengah dikulum keluar masuk mulut Adinda.
Tidak lama kemudian Charles semakin cepat menggenjot, memompa lobang anus Adinda, badannya semakin banyak mengeluarkan keringat, kulihat dia sepertinya akan berejakulasi. Benar saja, tubuhnya nampak menggelinjang dan dan menegang, dari mulut Charles keluar pekikan kecil yang disusul oleh desahan yang penuh dengan kepuasan. Charlespun berejakulasi dilubang dubur Adinda. Setelah itu badan Charlespun ambruk disamping badan Adinda.
Akan tetapi posisiku masih tetap seperti semula, kemaluanku masih tertanam dimulut Adinda. Kubuang rokokku dan dengan kedua tanganku kuraih kepala Adinda, kini dengan gerakan tanganku kepala Adinda ku maju-mundurkan. Ah.. Nikmat rasanya, kemaluanku seperti dipijit-pijit dengan mulut Adinda, bibir sensualnya melingkari batang kemaluanku, memberi rasa nikmat tersendiri, kurasakan pula lidahnya menggelitik kepala batang kemaluanku, ah nikmatnya penuh sensasi.
Setelah sekian lama menikmati itu, tiba-tiba kembali aku akan berejakulasi, maka kugerakkan kepalanya semakin cepat untuk mengulum batang kemaluanku. Dan, akupun berejakulasi di dalam mulut Adinda, spermaku memancar keluar membasahi mulut hingga tenggorokannya sampai-sampai meleleh keluar dari mulutnya.
Rasa nikamat yang tiada taranya kembali melanda sekujur tubuhku. Kucabut batang kemaluanku dari mulutnya, dan Adinda terbatuh-batuk sepeti akan muntah, samar-samar kulihat mulutnya penuh dengan cairan-cairan lendir kental sampai membuat mulutnya nampak mengkilat karena belepotan cairan sperma.
Wajahnya yang lesu dan lemah sejenak memandangku dengan tatapan mata sayu penuh dengan keputus-asaan serta air mata yang kembali meleleh. Kemudian dia terjatuh lunglai dilantai, hanya suara nafasnya yang terdengar menderu-deru tersengal-sengal dan isakan-isakan tangisnya. Aku kembali merebahkan tubuhku di samping Adinda, akhirnya akupun tertidur.
Tidak lama rupanya aku tertidur, dan kemudian terjaga setelah kembali telingaku menagkap suara erangan-erangan dan rintihan-rintihan. Setelah aku bangun ternyata Charles tengah menyetubuhi Adinda, tubuh telanjang Adinda yang hanya tinggal mengenakan sepasang kaos kaki dan sepatu kets ditiduri oleh Charles. Dengan garangnya Charles menggenjot tubuh Adinda, iramanya cepat dan kasar sekali, tubuh lemah Adinda kembali terguncang-guncang.
Kini nampak roman muka Adinda telah lunglai sepertinya hampir pingsan, beberapa saat yang lalu masih kudengar suara rintihan lemah yang keluar dari mulut Adinda namun kini suara itu hilang sama sekali. Tidak lama kemudian Charlespun berejakulasi, kembali rahim Adinda disiram dan dipenuhi oleh cairan sperma. Adinda nampak tidak sadarkan diri dan pingsan.
Waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 10 malam, 4 jam lamanya kami memperkosa Adinda. Kini tibalah waktu kami untuk angkat kaki, setelah kami berpakaian rapi kemudian kami angkat tubuh Adinda dari ruang aula menuju ke sebuah gudang dibagian paling belakang sekolah ini. Kami rebahkan gadis cantik primadona sekolah ini di sana. Di sisinya kami tebarkan baju seragam sekolah, tasnya serta HP miliknya yang sedari tadi terus berbunyi.
Kini gadis cantik itu, terkulai pingsan di dalam gudang yang kotor, badan telanjangnya dipenuhi dengan cairan-cairan sperma yang mulai mengering, juga darah yang nampak masih menetes dari lubang duburnya sebagai akibat disodomi oleh Charles tadi. Kemaluannyapun terlihat kemerahan dan membengkak. Puas kami memperkosanya.
Tepat pukul 22.15 setelah kami menghilangkan jejak kami, kamipun pergi meninggalkan gedung sekolah ini, berjalan menuju ke pelabuhan dikota metropolitan ini untuk menumpang kapal yang entah kemana membawa kami, menuju ke suatu tempat yang jauh dari kota metropolitan ini.

Pita, adik iparku yang montok

kisah ini terjadi ketika istriku yang tercinta Narty . sedang mengandung anakku yang pertama kira-kira satu setengah tahun yang lalu.saat menjelang bulan yang kedelapan,perut Narty sudah sangat besar.dan tidak memungkinkan lagi bagi Narty untuk mengurus semua urusan keluarga seperti mencuci piring,gelas,dan lain-lain.ia harus lebih banyak istirahat.

Praktis deh sejak saat itu semua pekerjaan rumah tangga semua menjadi tangung jawabku.mulai dari mencuci sampai memasak.Narty sebenarnya nggak tega melihat aku bekerja habis-habisan di dapur.namun apa boleh buat dia sendiri harus mematuhi anjuran dokter untuk beristirahat total.dari rutinitasnya sebagai ibu rumah tangga.
Akhirnya karena terlalu banyak menghabiskan waktu dirumah untuk menjaga Narty dan jabang bayinya .pekerjaanku di kantor pun terganggu banyak file-file keuangan yang belum sempat kuselesaikan dan akupun jadi sering mbolos ngantor.bosku tentu saja marah.ia bahkan mengancam akan menskorsingku.wah celaka…….! Maka mau tak mau aku harus sering ke kantor untuk menyelesaikan semua pekerjaanku sementara Narty akan menghubungi adik bungsunya Pita yang baru lulusan SMA.untuk menemaninya.aku memang nggak pernah bertemu Pita sebelumnya. lantaran ia sekolah di kota madiun dan tinggal bersama neneknya dikota tersebut.dan akhirnya kuijinkan aja Pita menemani Narty.
Semula nenek Pita keberatan kalau Pita harus tinggal bersama kami namun karena desakan Narty yang cucu kesayangan ini.nenek pun berkenan membiarkan Pita tinggal bersama kami di Bandung.bahkan Pita berniat untuk melanjutkan pendidikanya di kota ini sambil bekerja dan mencari pengalaman hidup.katanya saat itu kamipun berniat membiayai pendidikan Pita.karena bagaimanapun pendidikan adalah yang utama.
Sekarang mari kita bicarakan tentang body Pita. body Pita sangat menawan.payudaranya lumayan montok juga sanggup memancing hawa nafsu kaum adam sepertiku.bibirnya sangat sexy ingin sekali aku mengulumnya.rambutnya panjang terurai lurus.wajahnya keindo-chinese-san.pantatnya juga semok.pokoknya sexy abiss bo..!
Aku berharap kelak bisa mengentotnya.sekalipun itu tidak mung kin terjadi karena Pita adalah adik bungsu Narty yang notabene istriku sendiri.dengan kata lain ia adalah adik iparku sendiri.ah betapa gobloknya aku dulu andai dulu yang kunikahi Pita bukan Narty.batinku kala itu.
Suatu hari sifat keisengankupun kumat lagi.saat Pita mandi aku mengintipnya.saat itu Narty sedang tak ada dirumah lantaran harus ke dokter kandungan.dengan sedikit tehnik yang kupelajari di kala “SLTP” dulu.aku berhasil menggintip Pita. ternyata tubuh Pita memang sangat sensual kedua payudaranya bukan Cuma besar ,tapi sangat indah dan kenyal.ingin saat itu aku meremasnya dan mengulum kedua putingng nya yang hitam kecoklatan itu.namun aku nggak ingin terburu-buru.melihat tubuh adik ipar kan nggak bisa setiap hari jadi harus kunikmati waktu emas ini sebaik-baiknya.
Matakupun mulai menyisir tubuh Pita secara perlahan-lahan leher jejangnya,dadanya,serta memek perawannya yang diselimuti bulu-bulu halus, saat ia menyabuni tubuhnya ,juga saat ia keramas semua terlihat dengan sangat detail.benar-benar pemandangan yang eksotis.tak akan tertukar dengan pemandangan gunung willis sekalipun pokoke oke.dan tanpa sadar “adik kecil”kupun terbangun.
Namun aku harus menelan ludah. jam dinding sudah menunjuk angka 08.00 aku harus bersiap-siap ke kantor.dan dikantorpun aku tak berkonsentrasi bayang-bayang tubuh Pita mengisi terus seluruh otakku.ingin rasanya aku pulang dan mengentot sorang wanita ABG.
Dan begitu aku pulang. Aku jadi pusing tujuh keliling batang kemaluanku sudah “READY FOR ACTION” namun aku tak bisa meminta “jatah” ke Narty lantaran ia hamil tua maka akupun memutuskan untuk menggumbar hawa nafsuku dengan melihat VCD porno alias BF aku harus melihat vcd ginian waktu tengah malam. lantaran pada tengah malam begini biasanya Narty dan Pita pasti sudah tidur terlelap.Narty paling nggak suka kalau aku liat vcd beginian.dan kalau ketahuan Pita yang masih ABG itu bisa hilang wajahku.
Saat aku tengah asyik-asyiknya melihat tiba-tiba ada seseorang menepuk pundakku “Pit…..Pita ka……mu be…belum tidur”ujarku gelagapan saat mengetahui bahwa yang menepuk pundakku adalah Pita. sembari menyetop jalannya BF dengan remote televisi yang terletak dismping sofa tempatku duduk. ‘’belum,mas malam ini panas banget,ya jadi gerah nih” “oh…”jawabku datar. “mas,mas suka ngeliat yang beginian ya?” “ah,nggak juga Cuma iseng doang kok,eh Pita jangan bilangin hal ini ke mbak Narty ya soalnya dia nggak suka kalo mas liat ginian” “boleh aja mas pake rahasia-rahasiaan tapi……” “tapi apa?” “mas harus kasih liat tuh vcd ke Pita” gila kali nih anak, baru lulus SMA sudah berani liat beginian .tapi ya sudah lah toh aku sudah ketangkep basah jadi mau nggak mau kustel lagi deh BF tersebut.dan kami pun melihat BF itu berduaan di sofa kayak Romi dan yuli.
Akhirnya tibalah adegan dimana pemain pria dikulum batang kemaluaannya oleh si pemain wanita.(oral sex). “mas kenapa sih kok tuh cowok seneng banget waktu “anunya” dikulum sama sicewek itu”Tanya Pita kujawab saja dengan jujur”ehh….tuh cowok kerangsang kali. aku bilangin ya pit cowok itu kalo dikulum anunya bakal kerangsang.” “emang kalo “anunya” mas digituin mas ya kerangsang?’’ “jelas dong”kataku saat itu. gila nih anak pertanyaannya kok menjurus amat ke hal-hal khusus dewasa. “mas,mas mau nggak kalo digituin sama Pita.” “gendheng kamu pit,aku ini kan kakak iparmu bagaimana kalau mbak Narty tau” “lho,mbak Narty kan sudah tidur mas,nggak bakalan tahu deh” belum sempat aku berkata apa-apa Pita sudah membuka celana ku dan langsung mungulum kemaluanku.aku gelagapan.
suara mulut Pita yang tertahan burungku itu akhirnya membuat aku kerangsang juga.akhirnyapelan-pelan aku mulai mengikuti permainnan lidah Pita kugoyangkan pantatku searah dan perlahan.kubelai-belai rambut Pita yang terurai panjang.sementara itu Pita mengulum kemaluanku bagai seorang bayi mengulum lollipop mulutnya mengulum mengitari kemaluanku kadang ia menngigit lembut kepala kemaluanku dan saat itulah aku memmekik ringan.hingga akhirnya: air surgawiku tertumpah semua ke mulut Pita .Pita berusaha menelan semuanya dan setelah itu dengan jilatan-jilatan kecilnya ia menbersihkan kemaluanku hinngga bersih dan klinclong.
“hah….hah mas aku kan sudah ngulumin punyanya mas,sekarang giliran emas dong yang ngulumin punya Pita” “oke deh pit buka dong dasternya biar mas kulumin memek kamu “ dengan cepatnya Pita membuka baju dasternya bahkan juga bra dan cdnya .dan setelah itu kulihat lagi tubuh Pita polos tanpa sehelai benangpun sama persis dengan yang kulihat dikamar mandi tempo hari(saat aku mengintipnya remember).maka dengan segera tanganku mengengam kedua buah gumpalan dagingnya dan mulai meremasnya dengan kasar sembari kadang-kadang memainkan putingnya yang sudah mengeras akibat rangsangan ransangan yang didapatnya ketika menggulumku tadi.
“akh……oooooooh……mas jangan mas kulumin memekku dulu dong pleeeeaaze” ‘ini dulu baru itu Pit”kataku menirukan bunyi iklan di tv sembari menciumi kedua daging kembar itu bergantian.
Setelaah puas menciumi kedua susu Pita barulah aku mulai menciumi memeknya pertama kujilati bulu-bulu halusnya rintihan pita terdengar. tampaknya titik lemah Pita ada di memeknya.itu dapat dibuktikan .begitu ia mengerakan pantatnya dengan antusias membiarkan lidahku menari bergerak bebas didalam memeknya yang sempit dan begitu kutemukan chrytorysnya(yg sebesar kacang kedelai) lansung saja kukulum tanpa ammpun “akh………oooooooooo…………….akkkhh………………… akh………oooooooooo…………….akkkhh………………… akh………oooooooooo…………….akkkhh…………………maaaaas maaaasukin aja burung mas ke dalam memek aku akh…………….” “tapi ,Pita kamu kan masih perawan” “askh….nggak peduli pokoke puasin aku mas”kata Pita sembari menancapkan burungku ke vaginanya.
“aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…………..oooooooooo………….” masuklah semua burungku seiring dengan erangan Pita (menahan sakitnya hujaman anuku).setelah itu mulailah kugenjot tubuh Pita semakin lama semakin cepat.Pita terus memekik keras namun aku sudah gelap mata.maka semakin keras erangan Pita semakin keras pula goyanganku.
Aku terus mengoyang Pita hingga akhirnya Pita mencapai klimaks. Cairan orgasmenya keluar bersama darah keperawanannya.tubuh kami berdua bagai bermandi keringat.kubiarkan pita istirahat sekitar 15 menit.saat itu kulihat Pita menyeka air matanya mungkin ia menangis karena menahan sakitnya hujaman “burungku”.kejadian ini mengingatkanku saat kuperawani Narty .kala itu Narty juga mengeluarkan air mata..dasar adik kakak sama saja. Lalu kubiarkan sekali lagi Pita mengulum anuku hingga keluar cairan surgawi untuk kedua kalinya kali ini fekwendsinya lebih banyak karena kulihat Pita tak mampu menelannya..air surgawiku tampak belepotan diwajahnya.kubantu Pita untuk membersihkan spermaku di wajahnya dengan kertas tissue.setelah itu kami akhiri perbuatan nista kami ini dengan cumbuan mesra.
“Pita,kita baru saja melakukan sebuah perbuatan yang dilarang oleh agama,sadarkah kamu,Pita” “ah,nggak papa mas.apa urusannya agama sama kita.toh kita Cuma melakukan hubungan sex tidak lebih”masyaallah …! Dia Cuma berkata seperti itu setelah berselingkuh dengan aku,kakak iparnya sendiri ck…ck…..ck… “tapi aku kan sudah memerawanimu itu sama artinya dengan merusak masa depanmu dan aku juga telah menghianati cinta mbakyumu Narty” “ah mas ini gimana toh asal kita nggak buka mulut siapa sih yang tahu kalau aku sudah nggak segelan lagi” “tapi…’’ “dan lagipula mas kan nggak maksa aku nglakuin ginian,orang aku yang mau kok,mas asal mas tau aja ya aku tuh sudah lama menunggu saat dimana “segelku” dibuka sama mas,makanya tadi waktu mas ngintip aku biarin aja.” “jadi kamu tau kalo tadi pagi aku……” “ya,jelas tau dong mas ,mas dimataku mas itu seorang yang gagah dan baik jadi aku nggak akan nyesel ngasih keperawananku ke mas” “tapi gimana kalau sampai mbak Narty tahu he…” “kita rahasiain hal ini dari semua orang mas gimana mas setuju nggak?” “baiklah aku rasa inijalan yang baik untuk kita berdua Pita aku mohon anggap saja malam ini tak pernah terjadi” dan mulai saat itu kami merahasiakan hal ini pada siapapun.Pita tinggal dikost-kostsan dengan alas an agar lebih dekat ke fakultas dimana ia menimba ilmu.(padahal ia tinggal di kost-kostsan untuk menghindari kecurigaan Narty}ia hidup tanpa beban seolah-olah apayang telah kulakukan tak pernah terjadi namun kin giliran aku yang repot karena aku tak bisa melupakan nikmatnya oral sex Pita.

Andy's adventure

Andy awoke on the day of his 21st birthday a lonely and depressed young man. After years of being an only child, a loner and a virgin… his childhood was over and he had little to look forward to. Over the years his desperate sexual desire had turned him into something of a nymphomaniac. However, unable to relieve his desire it grew and grew, turning into an obsession with all things sexual.
And so it was that on the day of his 21st Andy decided that no matter what the circumstances he was going to lose his virginity. Over the years he had plotted and schemed of ways to satisfy himself, but had never had the courage to follow through with his ideas. Finally his desperation had overcome his fear and conscience… he was gonna get laid no matter what!
That day as he sat in the back room of his house with his mum, he decided to act upon a plan he had had a while ago.
“mum, can I talk to you about something… its really bothering me and I really don’t know what to do about it.”
“Sure hon… you can talk to me about anything.”
“Well its kind of embarrassing … you know I’ve never…. You know had sex….”
“yes, I know… I wish I could help… I offered to pay for you to go to someone but you didn’t want to.”
“I know…I don’t want to do that…I mean I do have some self esteem left…and besides I don’t want my first time to be with some strange, dirty prostitute. So I’ve been thinking about the situation and I came up with a solution… But Its not going to sound very good…”
“tell me hon…you know I’d do anything for you, Im you mother…”
“Actually there is something you can do… you can …you know… do it.”
Wendy sat up straight and looked at her son for a moment. She had often looked at son, and tried to see him as a woman would.  Although he was short, only 5’6, he was very handsome and quite muscular with long dark hair and deep green eyes.
“Just let me explain first mum… It actually makes sense. The only reason its considered bad is because of what happens if you get pregnant, but you cant get pregnant , which is a positive. And youre clean so I would have to worry about the two biggest problems, and youre experienced and you love me… I think It’s the best way to make the first time special… please mum Its really important!”
“But Andy hon…Im your mother! Its not right… “
“I don’t care. Its not like Im going to tell anyone… and you certainly wont…so it’ll be our secret… besides Its no worse than getting me a prostitute…In fact I think its better….please?”
“Are you really sure you want to do this?”
“yes…I really need to get this out of my system… and I want it to be with you.”
“Well Im flattered… I suppose that’s it then… if youre sure.”
Andy nodded, his eyes fixed on the floor.
“Okay then… well I suppose If we are going to do this now is as good a time as any considering your father wont be back till late tonight. We may as well make it as nice as possible, I’ll have a shower and get ready.”
With that Wendy made her way to the bathroom to shower an get ready. As she did she contemplated what she was about to do. She had of course never considered her son in a sexual way, but now that she did, she found herself quite aroused by it. She was 51 this year and had not had sex herself for over 6 years, having lost the desire after menopause, but the thought of a strong, muscular young man was reintroducing it.
                Wendy finished her shower and made her way into the bedroom to get ready. She opened her underwear drawer, deciding to dress for the occasion. She picked out black lace garter belt, black silk panties and a black lace bra. She put them on, attatching sheer black stockings to the garter belt to complete the outfit. She brushed her shoulder length, straight mulberry hair and made herself up. Now ready she stood at the door and called out for Andy to enter. Andy came in, closing the door behind him, and looked over at his mother. Although she was now 51 she looked good for her age. Her skin was still soft and smooth, although milky white. She was about 5 foot tall with small, perky white tits. She was a little chubby, with the typical arse, thighs and belly of a middle-aged woman.
                As he stood looking her over Andy stiffened, his mothers dimpled white flesh sexily framed by her skimpy black underwear.
“Are you going to get undressed hon?”
Wendy found herself surprisingly eager to see her sons naked young body. Andy quickly slid his top and pants off, standing nervously before his mother, his rock hard penis clad only in a pair of underpants, straining to contain him. Wendy moved forward and slid her sons underpants down, his rigid 9 inch penis jumping free. Wendy stepped back, sitting on the edge of the bed, looking her son up and down. He was extremely well built, with a powerfull, muscular chest, and an enormous penis.
“Well hon… how would you like to start?”
Andy moved forward, standing in front of Wendy, his massive rod inches from her face.
Wendy took her cue and gently took hold of her sons throbbing member, softly placing her lips around his swollen purple knob. Slowly she guided his pulsing shaft into her mouth, listening with satisfaction as her son groaned softly. So large and hard was his cock that her mouth could only accommodate half its length. Wendy sucked softly on her sons rod, his balls craddled gently in her hands. Andy looked down, at his mum, as she handled his throbbing rod. He stepped back, his rigid shaft sliding out of Wendy’s mouth. She stood up and moved over to her son, her hands gently rubbing his balls as she looked into his eyes, trying to tell what he was thinking. Andy put his arms around his mother and unclasped her bras, freeing her perky little tits. He put his hands on them, kneading them gently, feeling as she did the same with his swollen balls. Finally he could take it no longer… 21 years of sexual desire were swelling inside him desperate to be released. He guided  Wendy onto the bed, laying her down along it. He leaned over sliding her soft, silk panties down her legs and tossing them to the floor. Wendy took her cue, suddenly eager to feel a cock inside her once again. She spread her legs and waited eagerly. Andy climbed onto the bed, kneeling between his mothers, black stockinged milky white legs. He looked down at the small brown thatch covering her tight little pussy. He moved forward and placed the swollen purple head of his rigid cock at the entrance of his mothers twat. Wendy reached between her legs and guided her sons cock between her tight folds. Andy complied and and slowly squeezed his prick into her. Wendy moaned with pleasure as her tiny cunt was penetrated, and her sons massive prick delved deeper into her. Andy leaned forward, lying down on his mother, his skin pressed against her as he burried his prick inside her.
“Mmmmmm…oh hon!…. oooh…”
Wendy moaned loudly, unable to contain herself as her son began to fuck her.
“Oh my god….ssssssss….mmm-mmm……yes.”
Andy found the sounds of his mother moaning driving him wild, the idea of his cock burried deep inside her the most amazing experience of his life.
Wendy was also amazed. After having had no desire for sex for the last 6 years Wendy found a powerfull desire being awakened in her, the forbidden nature of the siuation an added turn on. She knew it was wrong and she wanted more! Andy leaned down, kissing his mother long, tasting her as he slid his cock in and out of her tight, wet cunt.
“Oh Andy…come hon… I want you inside me all the way…”
Andy never expected his mother to be so enthusiastic, and found that it only made him more aroused. He began to thrust harder, needing to push hard to force his massive cock deeper into his mother. With each stroke his cock forced its way further into Wendy’s tight little cunt, achieving immediate results.
Wendy was panting, moaning loudly as her son drove his cock deeper, her tiny pussy struggling to accommodate more of her sons rigid pole.
“Oh…mmmmm…Oh yes!!…come on hon all the way in…Oh…Mmmm…hmm-hmm..”
Once again Andy reacted, intensifying his efforts once more, thrusting his entire 9 inches into his mother, his balls slapping against his mothers arse with every penetrating stroke. Wendy threw her head back, moaning loudly in exstacy, she grabbed her sons arse, pulling it towards her, ensuring that every downward stroke drove his powerful cock as deep as possible into her eager pussy.
Wendy was amazed at the stamina of her virginal son. After 30 mins of pounding her tight twat he still showed no signs of slowing. She was beginning to sweat, her milky white skin glistening, as her middle aged body struggled to keep up with the desperate actions of her son.
“I have an idea hon…ooh!… wait a minute…”
Andy stopped and reluctantly rolled over onto his back.
He then watched with diminshed disappointment as Wendy moved over, straddling his legs, before lowering herself onto his massive prick. She threw her head back in exstacy as she impaled herself on her sons rigid shaft. Andy watched with excitement as his mother bounced up and down, using all her weight to drive her sons cock up into her hot wet pussy.
Wendy’s hair was matted now, her skin beaded with sweat as she rode her sons massive prick
“huh-huh-huh…oh god!…Oh…huh-mmmmmmm OH!”
Andy looked up at is mum, watching her dimpled flesh jiggle, and her soft tits bounce violently as she rode his prick. He could see she was close too orgasm, exhausted by an intense sexual exstacy. He placed his hands on her thighs, grabbing a roll of dimpled flesh and kneading it.
Wendy was close to orgasm now, an hour of deep, hard penetration brining her to a powerful climax,
Wendy came hard, her body convulsing with a shockwave of pleasure as a cascade of honnied juices flowed from her pussy. As he watched his mother writhe in pleasure on his cock, Andy felt her hot juices flow over his groin. This was all he needed, he grunted loudly as he finally came. Wendy, her chest heaving, and her cunt tingling from her own orgasm, suddenly felt her son tense. And then, deep inside her she felt him cum, his massive load of hot salty sperm launched up into her.
She moaned contentedly as her sons hot cum filled her. Slowly she slid off her son, and lay down beside him, still breathing heavily, her hair matted and white skin glistening with sweat.
“Wow hon…that was… something… special…”
“Really? I thought it was amazing… I never thought it would be like that.”
“It usually isnt. I have never had sex like that before. You know what? I think the fact that it was wrong made it so much more exciting. I think that combined with the fact that youre a strong, virile young man made it as amazing as it was.”
Wendy realised that what they had just done had awakened a sexual urge inside her. A desire for the forbidden. Suddenly the shoe was on the other foot and it was Wendy who would now try to convince her son to be part of an idea that was beginning to form in her mind.
“this doesn’t have to be the only time you know…”
Andy looked over suddenly,
“Yes. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t do it again… I mean if we both enjoy it. If its okay once why not more?”
Andy resisted the urge to be eager, seeing an opportunity to delve into his newly awakened desire to push the boundaries of sexual acceptability. He’d tasted the forbidden fruit and he wanted to try the whole orchard.
“Well…I don’t know…”
Wendy saw her sons hesitancy, she decided to throw caution to the wind, her desire would have to be satisfied.
“Please darling… if you agree I’ll let you experiment with me… you know like practice? We can do anything you want and I wont mind..In fact after today I’ll probably enjoy it…well?”
“Okay. But only on the condition that you’ll do whatever I want… no matter what. After all If I didn’t get you to do this you wouldn’t ever know what it was like.”
“Okay hon… it’s a deal. It’ll be our little secret sex pact. Have you got any ideas?”
“Actually I do… Have you ever wanted 2 men at once?”
Wendy’s heart began to race, she was surprised at her sons sexuality
“I do now.”
“Okay. What Im going to do is get bring Geoff up here to join us… I owe him a favour.”
Wendy needed little encouragement. The thought of a threesome with her son and his 19 year old neighbour fanned the flames of her growing desire.
“Allright hon… I cant wait.”
“you don’t have to.Im going to get him now.”
With that Andy quickly threw his clothes on and made his way down the road to his boyhood friend, Geoff’s House. Geoff answered the door and the two made their way out to the backyard.
“Hey mate. You know how I owe you a favour? Well I got a big one for you if youre interested. How long is it since you had a good root mate?”
Geoff thought for a moment and then shrugged,
“I don’t know about 2 years I spose…Why?”
“Well my payment to you is to provide you with one, and If you like it you can have more… what do you say?”
“Who is it … and whats the conditions?”
“Its my mum mate… and as for the conditions… You and I are going to have that gang-bang you always wanted…eh?”
Geoff was clearly surprised and initialy scared by the offer, but it took only a moment of thought for him to overcome this reaction and become aroused by the situation.
“I wont be saying no to that… to interesting.”
The two made their way back to Andy’s house,
“There’s an added bonus mate… cant get pregnant so you don’t need a bag. And we can experiment…whatever we want…cool eh?”
they entered the house and made their way to the back room of Andy’s house. Wendy was sitting on the lounge, still clad only in the black lace garter belt and sheer black stockings, exposed to the large glass wall of the back room which looked out onto the back yard and local park.
“Hi Geoffy… make yourself at home.”
As Geoff and Andy stripped off Wendy moved over to the dining table, leaning back on it, her legs shoulder width apart. Geoff was clearly not overly affected by embarrassement and the overall weirdness of the situation. He quickly moved over to Wendy, holding his now rigid 9 inch cock in his right hand. Wendy put one hand on his tight, muscular arse, pulling him to her, the other on his throbbing rod. Geoff towered over her, 6’2, lean and muscular, his powerfull young cock aching to delve into his best friends mum. Wendy slid her hand up his back and pulled Geoff down towards her, kissing him long as she leaned back, and guided his knob between her moist pussy lips.
That was all the encouragement Geoff needed, quickly shoving his cock into Wendy, burrying it to the hilt in her tight warm twat.
“Huuuuuh!! Oh God…Yes”
Geoff pushed Wendy back onto the table, her legs spread in the air either side of him. Grabbing her dimpled white thighs he steadied her as he began to thrust his desperate cock in and out of her pussy.
Andy watched transfixed with amazed excitement as his best friend fucked his mother.
Geoff was caught up in a sexual rush now, all thought of propriety and care overwhelmed by a need. Wendy noticed this through the ferocity of his actions. Already he was thrusting his rigid shaft into the hilt of its 9 inch length,
“oh-huh-mmmmm-oh…come on baby…Oh!…pound me with that big dick of yours…oh yeah..mmmmm”
Andy was amazed and aroused by the scene before him, his mother talking dirty as Geoff shafted her. Geoff looked down, watching his shining rod slid into Wendy’s tight little pussy with every thrust.
Andy moved up beside his friend,
“Hey mate… we got all the time we want. You mind if I have a go?”
Geoff reluctantly moved aside, but was also anxious to witness Andy and his mothers forbidden act. Geoff watched as Andy rolled his mother over. She was now leaning over the table, her tits pressed flat against its hard wooden grain. Andy took up position behind her, spreading her legs, and parting the dimpled mounds of her milky white arse.
“Watch this mate.”
Geoff smiled, watching intently as Andy slid his tool between his mothers tight, moist lips, and up into her pussy. Andy grabbed his mothers fleshy arse in both hands and rammed his rigid prick deep into his mothers cunt. Wendy grimmaced, squealing as her son began to pound her tight little cunt from behind.
“Come on Andy… fuck her harder!”
Andy responded ramming himself into his mother, excited by the loud slapping noise as he pounded her arse, his dick driving deep into her. Wendy was surprised by the violence of her sons thrusts, the exstacy tinged with pain as his knob hammered her uterus. But the desire awakened in her earlier was only excited by this and hungry for more and still more.
Andy looked down, watching the dimpled white flesh of his mums arse as it was jolted by the shock of his actions. It felt so good… all his desires being released in an animal lust, only heightened by the fact that it was his own mother he was fucking.
Geoff was becoming impatient now,
“Hey man theres got to be a way for both of us to have a go…”
Suddenly Andy had an idea. One that would allow him to explore more of the desires coursing through him. He halted.
Andy left his mother to sleep, and decided to go down the road to his neighbour, and friend Geoffs house… The embryo of an idea forming in his head. Andy and his friend Geoff had lived near each other all their lives and had been virtual brothers for most of that time. As Andy kicked the soccerball with his boyhood friend he went over the plan in his head… If successful it would open up a whole new realm of sexual exploration for him.
                A few hours later the two sat in Geoffs loungeroom chatting, watching various mindless shows on Tv, finally Andy decided to try his luck.
“So any luck on the girlfriend front mate?”
Geoff snorted derisively,
“Nup… no luck, no nothin… getting pretty desperate for it if you know what I mean.”
Andy secretly cheered, that was exactly the sentiment he was looking for
“Well mate, I know it sounds a little unbelievable…but I reckon I have a little solution to your problem… If youre willing to listen.”
Immediately Any saw Geoffs attention focus
“Of course I’d listen. Whats the deal?”
“What would you say if I told you I could get you sex, no worries about pregnancy or disease… no money, no questions… this afternoon?”
“Id say sign me up Im there!”
Andy could see Geoffs excitement growing
“Now it might not be the ideal situation but I reckon if you think about it you’ll see it aint that bad.”
“Sure whats the deal…who is it?”
“The deal is…Its my mum… and you can do want you want, and if you like it you can do it again, but you owe me big okay…or not?”
Andy could see Geoff think it over, and he could see better judgement giving way to desire
“Okay… why not. Got to be better than nothing eh? So when can I…you know?”
Andy told Geoff to shower and change, and quickly made his way up the road to seal the deal with his mother. He found Wendy refreshed and reading the paper on the couch in the back room.
“Hey mum…how are you ?”
“I am amazing. I feel great… but I have to talk to you about what we did.”
Andy suddenly had a terrible thought that he had misjudged his mums reaction
“Yeah sure what…didn’t you like it?”
“No! quite the contrary… I enjoyed it imensley. I’ve never had anything quite like it. Which is why I wanted to ask you if it would be possible to continue…after all if its okay once why not more?”
Andy suddenly relaxed, he had got it right and could use it to his advantage.
“Well… I don’t know… Actually, yes…I have an idea.”
Immediately Wendy brightened up, in anticipation of experiencing the youthful delights of her son.
“I would definitely be willing to accommodate you…if you did the same for me?”
“In what way hon?”
“Well… I have recently learned that a friend of mine has somewhat of a crush on you… and I thought as a favour to me, you could indulge the infatuation?”
immediately Wendy saw an opportunity to further satisfy her newly awakened desire for the forbidden,
“Who are we talking about dear?”
“Geoff.. I mean you’ve known him all his life so its…he’s like a brother to me …so…what about it?”
wendy’s heart began to race, an affair with her sons boyhood friend, every mothers dream. Of course she would agree the mere thought of it was already getting her aroused.
“Sure hon…I think we can manage that for you… Is it his first time?”
“Yeah it is…so It would be good to make it special for him.”
“Okay. Is he ready this afternoon, because that would be the best time I think.”
“Yeah he can be here in a minute.”
“Well, let me get changed first and then we can call him.”
Andy could hardly contain himself as he quickly found the video camera, making sure it had plenty of tape and batteries. He wasn’t going to miss such an event for anything.
Wendy decided to go for a different outfit for her sons younger, rougher friend. Geoff was 6’2, lean and muscular, with a more working class background. So she decided to go for a more provocative look. She rummaged through her drawers, looking for the bundle of items that had remained unused for over 15 years.
When she had readied herself she called her son to see what he thought.
Andy entered the room and was immediately aroused. Standing before him, his mother was clad only in an extremely tight black, lace, G-string teddy, the black lace garter belt and black fishnet stockings. She looked perfect. The outfits old enough that her body filled them to the limit, The g-string burried between the lips of her pussy and almost completely covered by the dimpled white mounds of her arse. It was all Andy could do to keep from jumping her there and then.
“What do you think hon?”
“Perfect… Now Im going to be in the front room there…with this… but theres no need to tell Geoff about it.”
Wendy smiled. This just got better and better. She nodded and watched as her son made his way into the front room and shut the door. Upon close inspection she noticed the lense of the camera filling a whole in the wall.
There was a hesitant knock on the front door. Wendy went out to open it, and greet a surprised Geoff,
“Come in Geoffy.”
She watched as he made his way inside, and throught o the bedroom at her direction. She locked the door and followed him inside, once again closing the door behind them. Once iside she made her way over to where Geoff stood at the side of the bed
“How bout you make yourself comfortable dear?”
Geoff was a little hesitant, having never been naked in front of a woman before…especially not his best friends mother! Wendy watched eagerly as Geoffs lean young body was revealed. He was extremely fit and athletic, And the thought of his powerful young body next to hers was getting her wet. Geoff was completely naked now, his 9 inch penis quickly stiffening. Geoff moved over to Wendy, guiding her to the bed her bent her over, her hands on the bed. He moved behind her drinking in the sight of the black lace g-string burried in her arse.
Wendy was surprised at how forthright he was, but was turned on by it. Geoff too was turned on. Here he stood, his best friends middle aged mother bent over in front of him.
Andy zoomed I his heart racing. He watched eagerly as Geoff unclipped the crotch-clasps of the G-string. Impatiently he watched as Geoff took hold of his now rigid cock, and pressed it between the cheeks of his mothers arse. Andy silently cheered as his friend squeezed his cock into his mothers waiting pussy. Wendy moaned contentedly as she was penetrated by Geoffs powerful young member.
“Come on fuck me like a prostitute!”
Andy silently cheered his mothers dirty talk. He wanted to see her fucked , and fucked hard by his best friend. Geoff was not about to dissapoint.
Immediately he grabbed the fleshy mounds of Wendy’s arse with both hands, and began to thrust his desperate cock in and out of her cunt.
“OH god!!!…mmmmmmmmmmmm—mmmm…oh yes….oh”
andy was amazed and excited as he watched Geoff repeatedly jammed the entire 9 inches of his rigid tool deep into his mothers tight wet pussy.
Wendy bent down further , her head and shoulders pressed against the bed, her arse in the air, her pussy being pumped by Geoffs eager prick. Geoff looked down, watching with excited fascination as his shining rod slid in and out of Wendys warm wet twat.
“Oh god your so tight!..oh yeah…”
With each thrust inside her, he could feel her eager cunt clamping onto his prick, as if desperate to keep it inside. Andy could hardly hold the camera steady his heart pounding with sexual excitement as he watched his mother being fucked from behind. Geoff was ramming his prick home now, his swollen balls slapping against Wendys smooth white skin as his cock delved deep inside her.
Wendy was in heaven, for the second time today she was filled with a powerful, big young cock and she loved it. She had had a fairly conservative sex life and was relishing the opportunity to be adventurous…she wanted more!!!
Finally Andy could take no more. He rested the camera on the shelf, ensuring it would keep taping, and quickly stripped. Making his way into the bedroom to join the action. Geoff was initially surprised, but was too engrossed in his own carnal pleasure to care. Wendy watched as her son climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of her, his massive cock rock hard. Wendy smiled to herself, lifting herself onto her arms, she opened her mouth. Andy guided his throbbing member into his mothers mouth, winking at Geoff as Wendy began to suck on his rigid shaft. Geoff could hardly believe the situation. Here Wendy was dressed like a whore, bent over in front of him, sucking her own sons cock, while he fucked her from behind… this was what happened in porno’s!!! Andy took his cue from his friends actions. He grabbed his mother by the back of the head, pulling her towards himself, as he thrust his cock deeper into her mouth. He could feel her gag as is knob was rammed down her throat. His entire 9 inches somehow inside his mothers tiny mouth.
Wendy was struggling, her tiny pussy being pumped from behind, and at the other end, nearly choking as her sons cock was fed down her throat. But she was in exstacy, a situation most women her age only dreamed of, being fucked by two strong young men.
Geoff slid his cock out of her and moved over to lie on the bed. Andy moved off the bed, and watched as his mother climbed on top of his friend, lowering herself onto his rigid prick. As Andy watched his mother bouncing up and down on Geoffs cock he had an idea. He moved over behind his mother also straddling Geoffs legs he took up position behind her. Andy spread his mothers dimpled mounds, watching at close range as Geoffs shining rod repeatedly slid up into her pussy. He moved forward, pressing the head of his swollen purple knob against the rim of her tight puckered arsehole.
Wendy had never been penetrated analy and had never had any desire to be… but in her current frame of mind, it was merely one more forbidden sexual act she was hungry to experience. She could feel the hot purple knob of her sons penis pressing against her butt. Andy could wait no longer, he began to press the head of his knob harder against his mums arsehole, fighting against its virginal tightness. He pushed still harder, finally rewarded as his mothers whole relented, his rigid cock slowly penetrating her. Geoff watched the exstatic agony on Wendys face as her arse was penetrated by her sons massive dick.
“OH…of fuck..mmmmmmmmm…oh…oh….shit..Oh my god!!”
“Come on man…shove your cock up her arse!”
Andy responded to his friends encouragement burying the entire 9 inches of his throbbing tool in his mothers arse. She screamed at its sudden presence, her virginal arse invaded by her sons 9 inch monster. But there was no respite. Her son quickly beginning to thrust, buggering her as his friend filled her tiny twat.
“oh god!! OH!!!”
Wendy was amazed at how much she was enjoying this. The exquisite combination of pleasure and pain, the feeling of having to big, powerful young cocks inside her. She wanted more.
“Come on hon…pound me hard in the ass..Oh yeah”
Andy complied driving his cock hard into his mothers arse, her dimpled cheeks jolting violently with every thrust. Geoff watched in amazement as Wendy writhed around on his cock, panting and moaning loudly as she was pounded by her son. Andy climbed on top of his mother now, driving down into her arse from above, as his friend drove up into her cunt from below. Andy was getting right into it, his mothers arse was extremely tight, clamping onto his massive cock as he plunged it down into her.
Wendy was in exstacy, he whole body tingling as she was stimulated beyond her wildest imaginings.
Andy was close to climax now. 10 minutes of pounding his mothers tight, virginal arse bringing him quickly to orgasm. With a final thrust he forced his cock down into his mothers arse, firing a load of his hot sperm deep inside her.
“Oh yeah hon…fill my arse with your cumm…ooh”
Wendy could feel her sons sticky load warming her lower intestine. She was slightly disappointed as she felt her sons cumm covered cock slide from her arse. However, sooner had her son climbed from her back, than Geoff told her to roll over. Andy watched as his mother lay back on the bed, her legs spread wide apart. Geoff moved between her legs, quickly sliding his cock between the moist lips of Wendy’s tight warm twat. Wendy groaned with pleasure as Geoff resumed where he left off, slamming his prick down into Wendy with all his strength, the bed thumping the wall as he drilled he eager cunt.
Andy watched with returning arousal as his friend jackhammered away at his mothers pussy. She was moaning loudly now, begging him to fuck her harder. Andy moved around behind them, lying on the bed, his head inches from his mothers pussy. He watched at close range, his friends massive shaft driving deep into her, sliding back out, shining with her honnied juices. Andy could see that his friend was not far from climax. He moved in closer, anxious to witness the moment. Wendy to was close to climax, for the second time that day she had been worked over by a powerful young cock.
A minute later they came, both crying out in exstacy as their bodies coursed with powerful orgasms. Geoff threw his head back, groaning as he drove his cock in one final time, dumping his load of sperm deep in Wendys pussy, Wendy writhed on her back, sqeeling like a schoolgirl, her cunt clenched as she came. Andy watched the sexy mix of sperm and his mothers cum as it flowed from her tiny cunt. As he watched his friend slid out and roll over he wondered to himself what it must be like to feel a cock inside you. That wondering sparked another idea…one which would further expand Andy’s growing sexual appetite.